3 Homemade Apple Cider Recipes

Homemade apple cider in a slowcooker with fresh apples and spices like cinnamon and nutmeg is a perfect treat for your dinner.

Basic Homemade Apple Cider

•10 fresh apples
•1 orange
•2 cinnamon sticks
•Dash of nutmeg (ground)
•Dash of cloves (ground or 4 whole)
•1 Gallon of filtered water


Wash and cut the apples into slices and place in slow cooker.

Slice orange into 8 slices and add to slow cooker.

Add spices, and pour water into the slow cooker and turn on low for about 8 hours.

Strain out apples and spices using a cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer.

Non-alcoholic Mulled Apple Cider


•3 cinnamon sticks
•2 mulling bags (pre-mixed mulling …read more