40 Great Pre- and Post-Workout Snacks

Just like breakfast is important for all of us, pre- and post-workout foods are important for those people who manage to squeeze some gym time into their routine too. While everyone has their own nutritional requirements, you can choose from the following 40 recommended pre- and post-workout foods and recipes.

20 Pre-Workout Snacks

1. Perfect yogurt parfait

Top ¼ cup nonfat yogurt with ½ cup whole grain cereal and ½ cup fresh strawberries.

2. Protein Creamcicle

Put a twist on the classic kids’ treat by blending 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder, 1 cup orange juice, and 1 cup ice.

3. Cha-Cha coconut shake

Infuse 1 scoop …read more