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Discover Color and Light Effects on Meditation

Color and Light Effects on Meditation We have all heard that meditation is very good for our health and well-being, but do you actually do it on a daily basis. If not, have you ever wondered how to get started? Below are just some of the reasons you might think about starting this amazing habit:

10 Ways to Detox from Sugar

The average American consumes a whopping 152 pounds of sugar every year, and this excessive consumption can lead to a whole array of health problems, including obesity and increased risk for diabetes, heart attacks and strokes. A sugar detox diet can help break the cycle of carb and sugar cravings that keep so many people

The Potential Harmful Effects Of Sucralose

The American desire for sweets without guilt has led to the popularity of products like Splenda, which has recently taken by the market by storm with its tag line “made from sugar so it tastes like sugar.” It has been an incredible success and has taken over the market to become America’s best-selling sugar substitute.

Why You’re Always Tired

Maylin Rodriguez-Paez RN Your hectic schedule isn’t the only thing that is making you tired. Have you considered the other factors at play? Perhaps it’s not your job, the traffic jams or your long list of responsibilities. Perhaps it’s something fundamental that you’re doing — or not doing. Below we’ll concentrate on six factors that

Give It A Go!

As a naturopath, I often hear “Oh, I have tried such-and-such (a product, a treatment, a modality) and it didn’t work for me.” When I was studying to be a naturopath, if a patient would tell me something along these lines I would believe them without question, but now with years of experience behind me,

Yoga Poses For Anxiety And Stress

by Elizabeth Seward – Staff Writer You’ve probably heard by now that yoga can reduce anxiety and help those who practice to reduce stress. I personally learned that a regular yoga practice could help me to manage anxiety and stress years ago. That anecdotal evidence was backed up when I came across other people who

Managing Andropause Naturally

As women experience menopause, the cessation of periods which they’ve been experiencing monthly over the course of their adult life, their hormonal changes have many effects on their moods, sex drive, energy level and even many aspects of their appearance. Though men do not experience periods they do experience similar drops in hormone levels and

Healing Melon-Cucumber Detox Drink

If you have been neglecting your diet lately and feel bloated or sluggish from all the unhealthy food you ate, then I have the perfect solution for you to get your health back on track. Although drinking lots of water will help you to flush out most toxins and waste materials, there are many other

The 5 Best Supplements You’re Not Taking

There are handful of supplements — like saw palmetto, garlic, black cohosh or probiotics — that get heavy attention in the popular media because of the healthful effects they can have on conditions like prostate growth, cardiac trouble, menopause or poor digestion. While these supplements certainly deserve their laurels, there are others available that are

Is swimming good for arthritis?

Exercise is perhaps one of the most critical need when you are diagnosed with arthritis; it is also beneficial as it helps to reduce your risk of later developing it. The Arthritis Foundation suggests that those suffering from arthritis should perform exercises to stretch and strengthen their muscles, while throwing in some aerobics. Swimming combines