Articles Archive

Blushwood tree berry compound destroys cancer tumours

Scientists have destroyed cancerous tumours using the drug EBC-46, derived from a compound naturally found in the seeds of berries from the Australian blushwood tree. The trials took place at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Queensland and results were published in the PLOS One journal in October 2014. This rare rainforest tree is

The Strange Story Of An Artist With Pineal Cancer

by youniverse – The Nexian During his time at art school, Shawn Thornton unknowingly developed cancer of the pineal gland. Curiously, as his condition progressed his art transformed into ever more complex and finely polished scenes that many find reminiscent to DMT experiences, often alluding to the mythology, symbolism, or biology surrounding the pineal gland.

Why Using Acrylic Retail Display Stands is Best for Your Store

Why Using Acrylic Retail Display Stands is Best for Your Store Whatever the type of items you are selling on your store, be it food, clothing, shoes, or exquisite jewelry, it is the way you choose to display these products that encourages your buyers to purchase them. This display plays an important role in turning

7 Website that make you more clever

Website that’s make you cleverer Have you ever think internet change everything as it is a virtually limitless resource of information and best is this is even at our fingertips, thanks to the tech engineers of all over world who just change the concept of internet by making small to small device to access internet.

Learn How Caffeine May Help Boost Long-Term Memory

Numerous studies suggest that caffeine offers a number of different health benefits. But did you know, that new research suggests that it may help to boost long-term memory. This is great news to legions of coffee drinkers. The research was conducted at John Hopkins University and analyzed how caffeine can be used as a cognitive

Try This Tip to Help Get Your Nutrition Back on Track!

Dr. Corey Schuler discusses a simple method you can do to help get your diet and nutrition turned around. He also discusses how he assesses the needs of a patient and how this tip usually provides good results. …read more

Most Health Issues Are Related to This!

Dr. Doni Wilson discusses an issue she says can be related to most health issues. Find out what that is, why it causes so many health problems and what you can do to improve your chances of it not becoming a major factor in your health! …read more

Health Benefits of Bergamot Essential Oil

What is bergamot essential oil? What are the benefits of using it? Get the scoop on this aromatherapy oil, used externally for a variety of health conditions. …read more

The Complete Bentonite Fact Sheet

Information on the health benefits and side effects of bentonite. …read more

Tibetan Singing Bowls for Healing

What are Tibetan singing bowls? What are the benefits of using Tibetan singing bowls? An overview of this ancient therapy, which is said to soothe stress. …read more