Articles Archive

Food Cures for Anxiety Depression and Mood Swings

Not having control over your emotions hurts everyone around you including families, friends, co-workers, and even yourself. If you are suffering from anxiety, depression or mood swings, please don’t let that define who you are, you can change! But did you know an unhealthy diet could be preventing your recovery? If you haven’t tried supplementing

Risks of Vitamin D Overdosing

The bright warm sunshine provides the body with all the vitamin D it could possibly need. So, why do some people take vitamin D supplements daily? The reason is simply that they are deficient in the essential nutrient from not getting enough of it from the sunshine each day. However, people who do get sun

Foods To Avoid To Increase Sexual Stamina

Sexual stamina is an integral part of maintaining a healthy relationship. It is a reason that is often cited why couples tend to feel disappointment when it comes to their sexual experiences. But there are solutions that couples have to help them manage their stamina and improve on other areas of their life. It will

Love my body? Yeah, right!

The concept of loving our bodies is becoming more and more popular, and for good reason. Probably the best reason is simply that positive thoughts and emotions sent out from our core have positive effects, while negative energy sent out has negative effects. But when someone tells you to love your body, and you recognize

Eat Walnuts, Prevent Cancer?

Maylin Rodriguez-Paez RN While cancer often strikes its victims by surprise, research shows it’s largely preventable. Approximately, one to two-thirds of cancers are thought to stem from environmental and dietary factors.1 On the other hand, plant-based diets, exercise, and a healthy body weight have been found to reduce the risk of cancer by 30-40%.1 Walnuts,

The Secret Benefits of Giving and How to Give Well

Take a moment to imagine how you would feel after doing the following activities: Dropping $50 at a lemonade stand run by a few nice kids Giving a family member a framed photo you know they’ll love Telling a stranger how much you love their sunglasses Spending an hour listening to a friend going through

Bruise Easily? Top 5 Foods to Help Heal Bruises Quicker

Aside from obvious factors like taking a bad fall or accidentally hitting your shin on a table, a number of factors contribute to skin bruising. Taking certain medications like blood thinners, lifting weights, having thinning skin due to aging, or parents who bruise easily are all reasons why people may be more prone to bruising.(1)

What Do We Know About Childhood Cancer?

Source: Organizations all over the world are struggling to find a cure for such a deplorable disease. It has taken millions of lives and continues to affect more if a proper cure is not created and developed soon. What is worse than cancer among adults is the fact that children can get it to,

3 Things To Do To Set Up Your New Massage Therapy Office

You have your massage therapy license and now you’ve found the perfect office in a spa. It’s your own little space to create your healing magic. But, it’s completely bare, inviting you to transform it with a little imagination and practical good sense. How do you begin? Here are three suggestions: focus on creating the

Can white rice be considered Paleo?

Can white rice be Paleo? What’s the first answer that pops into your head? No, of course not. When we describe the essence of what Paleolithic eating is we should automatically think avoid all grains, sugar, legumes, dairy, etc. But what is rice? Is rice a grain or a starch? Before I answer that let’s