Juice that Reverse Type 2 Diabetes in 1 week

These Following recipes will help to reverse your Type 2 diabetes in 1 week, especially when these juices are combined with the Death to Diabetes plant-based Super Meal Protocol; and, you avoid eating pasta, rice, potatoes, corn, and processed foods made with flour, wheat, gluten, sugar, corn syrup, and partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats).Spinach and Celery JuiceIngredients:
3 Handfuls of spinach
2 celery stalks with leaves
1 carrot
1 green apple
1 cucumber (optional)

Wash and peel the carrot and green apple and remove the apple seeds. Juice the carrot and green apple together with spinach and celery.

Note: Carrots and lemon contains potassium which can …read more