“The Sister”–How a naturopathic doctor got sucked back in to the western medical system.

On October 16, 2022 my
brother fell 8 feet off his back deck into the outside concrete basement
stairwell. It was dusk and it was 38 degrees and the only witness was
Sheldon—the neighbor’s dog.  Sheldon
barked furiously but his owner thought the coyotes were after him and promptly
brought him inside.

My 77-year-old brother laid
out there at the bottom of the stairwell all night.

When Sheldon came out the
next morning, he once again started barking and staring over toward my
brother’s house. Sheldon’s owner came out to look and saw both rails off the
deck, the glider overturned, flower pots broken on the ground, and keys strewn
in …read more