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Top 5 Men’s Jewelry Gifts 2014

As someone that takes a few chances with fashion every now and then, I thought I would share some of my top men’s jewelry gift ideas for 2014. There are many different directions to go from tech-fashion like smart watches, to traditional men’s jewelry like cufflinks. So here is a simple style guide to the

Finding the Healing Balance Within Nature!

Pharmaceutical Companies In today’s world of processed foods, that include but are not limited to, artificial colors, preservatives, sweeteners, pesticides, artificial growth hormones, genetically modified organisms(GM​Os) and much more, it’s no wonder that disease and disabilities have become so rampant. More and more people are dying and suffering from preventable and curable diseases that conventional

9 Essential Oils for Calming

These days people are living ever increasingly busy lives. It’s unclear whether stress levels are actually rising or if people are losing the ability to cope. Families are struggling to make ends meet and find balance between career, school, and life. There are constant news reports of crime, environmental destruction, and natural disasters. Many people

Medicine’s Biggest Threat – Healing Cancer With HEMP OIL

The reputation of Cannabis drastically increased over the past few years, since its ability to cure cancer had been proven in many instances. According to studies conducted over the past 10 years confirmed the magical power that this plant has when it comes to cancer healing. In many countries consumption of this plant is not

Losing Sleep? Berry Sleepy Provides a Natural Sleep Solution

Sleep is one of the most important things you do every day. The amount and quality of your sleep can have a drastic effect on your mood, productivity, and health. In today’s world, however, it’s very difficult to get a good night’s sleep. Easy access to cell phones, televisions, computer screens, and even just home

9 Things You Should Know About Your Omega 3 Supplement

What exactly are omega-3 fatty acids and why do I need them? Omega 3’s belong to a group of fatty acids known as essential fatty acids or EFA’s. EFA’s are called just that because they are required by your body to function properly and prevent disease but cannot be produced by your body. Being deficient

Using L-Arginine For Health

Get the lowdown on the healing benefits of L-arginine. Find out the research, side effects and tips on using this supplement, said to aid heart health and sexual function. …read more

Tongkat Ali, Sexual Performance, Immune Function

Find out about the use of tongkat ali in an immunocompromised person. …read more

How Does Tongkat Ali Affect Male Conditions?

What is tongkat ali? What are the benefits of using tongkat ali? Get the scoop on this herb, said to help with sexual health. …read more

3 Home Remedies Using Honey

Get the lowdown on the use of honey as a remedy for health concerns like cough and sinusitis. Find out tips on how to use them and more. …read more