Articles Archive

Fluoride Is Not Beneficial, It Actually Causes This!

Dr. David Kennedy discusses his research into fluoride and what he found. He discusses the myth of fluoride as a beneficial product for oral health. Instead, find out how fluoride became known as a tooth protector and the lie behind it. You might be surprised! …read more

15 Grossest Things You You’ve Probably Eaten Today

The following gross-out substances found every day in your neighborhood supermarket are some of the best arguments from making a lot of your food from scratch and buying organic! Soda with Flame Retardant Many sodas contain a chemical called brominated vegetable oil which was originally used in plastics manufacturing to prevent them catching on fire.

Simple Reasons Why Heart Disease Is Still A Major Problem

With as much as we know about heart health, why is heart disease still a leading killer in this country? Dr. Ryan Bradley discusses this issue and offers some simple reasons why this country still struggles to get heart disease under control. …read more

Turmeric and Skin Cancer

Skin cancer occurs when abnormal cells develop on the skin and form a tumorous growth of the skin cells. The most common reason for the occurrence of the cancer is excess exposure to sunlight. It is the most common type of cancer and is treatable. Skin cancer is mainly of four types namely: Basal cell

How to Get Fit Now — Even if You’ve Never Exercised Before

Exercise was once built into the fabric of our lives, whether it was through gardening, farming, walking to and from work, or the simple reality that before Americans sat 33 hours a week in front of the television, we tended to move our bodies a bit more. With health care costs on the rise and

Medical Marijuana: All Smoke and Mirrors?

Medical Marijuana: All Smoke and Mirrors? If you’re looking for a more natural and holistic approach to your health and wellness, you may find that medical marijuana is a foot in the right direction. However, opponents will fight the benefits of medical marijuana usage and believe that it could lead to more dangerous drug activity

Just Say Know, The New York Times Full Page Marijuana Ad

Page 17 of The New York Times featured a full page ad by Leafly, a self-proclaimed unbiased informational portal and shopping guide for marijuana. On their official site, they say “Our CEO, Brendan Kennedy, reiterated our commitment to helping New York medical cannabis patients find the information they need to become informed and educated patients

Health Freedom on Trial in Nevada City, California

“…September 15th, 2014 will be known as the day the line was drawn in the sand for our health freedoms. Join us on the 15th at the Nevada City Court House, 9am, and stand in unison with the Bigelsens!” The rally cry has gone out from the “I Stand Behind “Dr. B”” Community Facebook page

Suicide Tourism on the Rise, Doubling Since 2008

The ongoing debate about assisted suicide and the right to die with dignity is a sensitive issue among both politicians and religious leaders around the world. Since 1942, however, assisted suicide has been legally available in the country of Switzerland. This law does not only apply to the nation’s own citizens, but includes people from

Herbals and Dietary Supplements Increase Risk of Liver Injury

Herbals and dietary supplements increase the risk of liver injury up to 20 percent over a ten-year period, according to researchers. A study in the journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, published in Hepatology, reports when compared to conventional medication and bodybuilding supplements, non-bodybuilding supplements, most often used by middle-aged