Articles Archive

Brown Rice with Walnuts and Herbs

A super fast side dish rich in magnesium in the brown rice and heathy fats from the walnuts. Allow 50 minutes for this but if you prepare this brown rice ahead of time and you’re 45 minutes ahead of the game. and it will take you 5 minutes to assemble. Ahh the beauty of partial

7 Essential Oils Packed with Medicinal Power

Essential oils are powerful, concentrated aromatic compounds extracted from herbs, flowers and other organic plant matter. Aside from their common use as fragrance in household and beauty products, most essential oils have a wide spectrum of health and wellness benefits without negative side effects or toxins. For example, recent studies have demonstrated that thyme essential

Should Parents Post About Their Children Online?

Before I had my son I was convinced I would not be one of those moms who posts pictures and updates about every milestone on social media…but here I am, 3 months later doing just that! I have my reasons for deciding to go ahead with posts, but I remember those days of feeling anxiety

7 Foods that Fight Inflammation and Belly Fat

Chronic inflammation and abdominal fat are both risk factors for disease like diabetes and cardiac disease and raise a red flag about a person’s long-term health. Fortunately, there are many things which people can include in their diets which can help fight off both. Read on to find out more about seven of the best

Top Ways To Keep Your Blood Sugar Controlled with Garlic

As more and more people all over the world are diagnosed with diabetes, finding natural treatments to help manage with chronic condition becomes more important than ever. While many herbal and natural therapies have been tried to help alleviate this condition – and many are still under study – one of the “silver bullets” of

Plastic Particles and Contaminants Found in German Beer

Plastic particles were found in 24 varieties of German beer samples. A team of researchers published their findings in a recent edition of Food Additives and Contaminants. This study is part of a global investigation of plastic microfiber turning up in all parts of the world. Plastic Particles and Other Contaminants in German Beer A

Narcolepsy. A Misunderstood Condition.

To say the least, Narcolepsy is by far one of the most misunderstood, disregarded auto-immune diseases known to man. I blame the statistics for that one. According to the Stanford School of Medicine Center for Narcolepsy, only a mere “0.6 – 1.6 per thousand in European countries, Japan, and the United States” will obtain a

Understanding the Role of Chakras in our Body

The chakras are points in the human system where the network of energy channels come together and meet. According to the yogic tradition, there are 7 chakras that are the primary ones within the human body. These are named the Muladhara chakra, the Swadhisthana chakra, the Manipuraka chakra, the Anahata chakra, the Vishuddhi chakra, the

5 Leadership Lessons from the Indian Epic Ramayana

Leadership is a tough job in today’s competitive world. Stress and tension can take their toll on your team unless you provide effective and competent leadership to guide them. But leadership advice isn’t a product of just today’s age. It has always been around, though it was often embedded in stories and aphorisms. The Indian

Can a Person Die of a Broken Heart? Yes, Say Researchers

Yes, it’s true: experts at the University of Birmingham in the UK have discovered that a person really can die of a so-called broken heart, or more specifically, the grief that comes when an elderly person loses a loved one which in turn, can stress the immune system and lead to their death.(1) Many times,