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Kava for Anxiety Relief

An herb shown to promote relaxation, kava may help tame your anxiety naturally. …read more

Quiz: Do You Have Positive Energy?

Take this quiz to find out whether you have positive energy …read more

Naturopathic Signs to Check Health

When you go to see a naturopath, you usually expect to answer a whole bunch of questions regarding your state of health, your diet, lifestyle and those fun subjects such as bowel habits, and just how many times per day you poop! Questioning is the foundation of a naturopathic consultation. In comparison to the majority

4 Reasons Reiki Belongs in Hospitals

What is Reiki? Reiki is an ancient form of hands on energy healing. Reiki is derived from the Japanese words ‘Rei’ meaning universal and ‘Ki’ meaning energy. A practitioner uses universal energy to re-balance and realign the body’s energy. Reiki is commonly used to treat and soothe physical, mental and emotional pain. Reiki has gained

Humans, Appetite, and the “Invasion of the Belly Snackers”- The Role of Our Microbiome

I’ve written before on how the composition of the microbes in our bellies effect our health. However, did you know that what we eat can affect our gut microbiome and change its composition? This means our diet can assist in favorably or unfavorably modulating our wellness directly through our gut bugs (6). Specifically, we can

Was The Surgery Really A Success?

Was The Surgery Really A Success? Surgical medical malpractice is at the root of an astonishing number of complications and deaths every year. Whether your surgery was elective, emergency or urgent, negligence can be caused at the hands of the physician, assisting health care provider or facility. While you may initially feel that your procedure

3 Kinds of Mushrooms Which Help To Treat Cancer

When you think of cancer treatments, you typically think of radiation therapy and chemotherapy. These two treatments are effective for treating cancer, but they also poison the body creating weakness and illness. Alternative treatments that work far better than traditional methods are mushrooms. You may find this a bit odd, but mushrooms are fungi with

5 Ways to Score Lower Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a bane for many Americans, and it is no wonder that statin drugs which help to lower these levels are some of the most frequently used prescriptions in the country. However, long-term use of them can result in liver damage and furthermore there are natural ways to help lower the cholesterol that

Noticing a Decline in Mental Agility? Check Your Hormones

Check your Hormones For many of us, experiencing a decline in our mental health is one of our greatest fears—especially as we start to age. Nothing is more frightening than losing our memories and sense of self. Perhaps some of the fear is derived from the unknown. For years, we’ve been reading about how to

The importance of beans

Beans have more servings of fiber than any other vegetable. One single serving will give you 20 percent of your daily-recommended fiber. Researchers in Japan did a seven-year study. They studied more than 43,000 people between the ages of 40 and 79 that had high cancer rates and ate little fiber. The more fiber they