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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About…

What is vitamin D? What are the benefits of using vitamin D? What are the possible side effects? …read more

Supplements for Sports Performance Improvement

Learn about various products marketed as ergogenic aids, such as creatine, hydroxymethyl butyrate (HMB), medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), pyruvate, suma, vitamin C, and hormones DHEA and androstenedione. Page 2. …read more

What to Do About Constipation During Pregnancy

What are the symptoms of pregnancy constipation? Why can it happen in early pregnancy? What natural remedies can help relieve the discomfort and pain of pregnancy constipation? …read more

Why Change Your Beliefs, and How?

What are the chances that there is a religion on this planet in which all of its written and verbally communicated beliefs are 100% accurate…that not one belief was influenced in any way by the perceptions of the people that created it…that every language translation was accurate…that every person involved in its assimilation was in

5 Reasons to Avoid GMO Food

Modern humans live in a world where technological advantages have mostly made life better. It is now possible to travel across the country in a matter of hours or receive an organ transplant, things that would have been unheard-of less than a hundred years ago. However, not all technology is so benign and one area

Joint Pain? How Weight May Play A Part

There is a definite link between joint pain and being overweight. Carrying extra weight can put additional strain on joints and when this strain becomes too much it can cause pain. There are certain areas of the body that may be more affected than other by joint pain if you are overweight. Foot Pain Joints

Managing Postpartum Depression

More than 600,000 mothers per year deal with some form of postpartum depression. This is not just the “baby blues” which is mild depression and only tends to last several weeks. The symptoms of major postpartum depression include insomnia, appetite loss, sadness, worry and emotional distress that interferes with daily life. If left untreated it

Male Enhancement Products: Do They Really Work?

Understanding the basic features of male enhancement products will help men everywhere understand some of the important options they have. These enhancement products will be offering people plenty of support for men everywhere. These men should carefully review the enhancement products that are out on the market. This will give them plenty of options to

What Are the Sexual Problems a Man Can Experience?

Sexual problems in males of any age are not a rare occurrence. About 31% of men report that they have suffered or are still suffering from some sort of sexual dysfunction. Even though it’s common for men to experience sexual problems, most men are hesitant to discuss their problems with a partner or their doctor,

Family History: How Often Is It Responsible for Chronic Disease? Research Reveals the Truth

by Dr. Wes Youngberg Join thousands of health enthusiasts who just finished watching my ongoing 12-week wellness series broadcast free through YouTube. Starting August 1 and each Friday afternoon through Sunday night, a new 60-minute wellness presentation will be accessible. You can also register at our website to get the updated links every Friday via