Articles Archive

World Rediscovers Marijuana as an Aphrodisiac

by Traci Knight – Staff Writer The effect of marijuana consumption on libido has been the subject of much discussion but little research. Based on anecdotal evidence, the ancient history of cannabis, and recent studies – marijuana has a primarily positive effect on the sexual experience. For most users, especially women, it acts as an

Tame the Mind

Most of the time we are functioning at an automatic level. We daydream or our thoughts are on the past: what occurred or what we think we should have done; or on the future: what we think we are going to do, fantasising or planning. As a general rule, people whose thoughts are too much

Homelessness is not a disease

How would you feel? Down to your last dollar, no money for rent, no place to keep your possessions – what you have left anyway, and no one to turn to who will help you. Out on the street. Strangers that once smiled at you as you pass by now look away purposefully out of

Kentucky School District Opts Out of Federal Lunch Program that Provides Healthy School Lunches

Despite recent federal reports stating that obesity rates among 2- to 5-year-old children have gone down 43 percent in the past 10 years, the fact remains that over 15 percent of all U.S. children and adolescents are obese, a statistic that’s triple the rate compared to just one generation ago.(1,2) As for adults, one-third of

Wi-Fi Health Dangers And What To Do About It

Wi-Fi is so convenient these days that is has become a common part of our daily life. We use Wi-Fi on our phones, laptops, computers, and tablets. It floats around our homes, bars, restaurants, and work environment. But are those invisible electromagnetic fields (EMFs) coming from our technology healthy or are we under constant threat

8 Surprising Home Remedies for Sunburn

Summertime brings with it the chance to swim in the pool, go canoeing, walk on the beach and to get sunburned! These burns are one of the least attractive parts of the warm weather season, but the good news is that there are plenty of things that most people already have around the house that

5min Recipe: Detoxifying Lemon Water

Starting the day with a cleansing, refreshing drink of lemon water does wonders for the system. Besides ensuring optimum hydration, lemon water has multiple benefits for the body and mind. Add in ginger, cucumber and mint and you have an incredible detoxifying solution to keep you at your best all day. Lemon is well known

11 Worst Processed Foods You Should Never Buy

Doctors have long been telling us that ‘clean eating’ is the right way to eat. This means no processed foods. Instead, you should eat whole foods, which are the ‘real’ foods you find on the perimeter of the store. Processed foods are any foods that have more than one ingredient, anything that has been ‘processed’

6 Dangerous Food Preservatives To Avoid

As people become more educated about the foods that they are eating – and about the dangerous consequences of consuming processed foods with their plethora of chemical additives – it is becoming increasing clear that preservatives are of great concern. While these food additives benefit the food industry by lengthening shelf life, they unfortunately do

The Power of Magnesium

Magnesium is the ninth most abundant mineral in the universe, the fourth most common on earth, and the eleventh most common in the human body. Its name is derived from the Magnesia district in Thessaly, Greece, where magnetite and manganese have been found. In the human body, 60% of all magnesium resides in the bones