Saffron: The Spice That Heals

Maylin Rodriguez-Paez, RN Saffron comes from the Far East. In ancient times, it was used to treat pain, poor digestion, and even high blood pressure. Today, it’s one of the most expensive spices to date, worth its “weight in gold”. Saffron is derived from the Crocus sativus plant and contains over 150 known volatile compounds.

5 Natural Steps to Help Regulate Cortisol

Elevated cortisol can damage your health in a number of ways. Prolonged stress can keep cortisol levels out of balance. Dr. Doni Wilson recommends five things anyone can do to try and help regulate cortisol levels in your body. …read more

Natural Remedies for Strep Throat

What is strep throat? What are the symptoms or signs? Is there a good natural remedy, homeopathic remedy, or natural cure for strep throat? …read more

Burn Remedies

Natural burn remedies like aloe vera or honey can help reduce the pain and inflammation caused by burns, and may also promote the healing of skin. …read more


Biofeedback training teaches how to consciously change and control the body’s vital functions that are normally unconscious, such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure, through information provided by electronic devices. …read more

5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Focus and Concentration

Find out about natural strategies to improve your concentration, naturally. Page 2. …read more

What You Need to Know About Vitamin E Supplements

What are vitamin E supplements? Get the scoop on the research behind this popular vitamin. …read more

What You Need to Know About Rooibos

What is rooibos? What are the benefits of rooibos tea, often called red tea? Are there any side effects of taking it? Where can I buy it? …read more

Fighting Inflammation With Flaxseed Oil

What is flax and flaxseed oil? What are the benefits of adding them to your diet? How do they compare to fish oil and other types of oil? …read more

Why Brown Fat is Good Fat

Obesity continues to be a growing global epidemic. According to the World Health Organization, 1.4 billion people in the world are overweight and nearly half of them are considered obese as their BMI is over 30. People who are overweight are at increased risk of diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, neurological diseases, and even cancer. As