Did You Know This About Chiropractic? – National Chiropractic Health Month

October is National Chiropractic Health Month. Last month – September 18th – marked the 119th anniversary of the founding of the Chiropractic profession by Daniel David Palmer in 1895. Since then, Chiropractic Health Care has flourished globally and has become the leading form of natural health care in the United States. It has positively impacted

How to clean your silver naturally

Many of the shop-bought silver cleaners available to us write “DANGER!” or “TOXIC!” on the labels and it makes me wonder why we should have to put our health at risk when we can easily use safe and effective ingredients instead. If you have a house full of tarnished silverware there’s no need to get

10 Medicinal Plants Worth Your Garden Space

Whether you live out in the country with a big garden or in the city with patio plants, your garden space is precious to you. However, there are a number of medicinal plants which are so usual around the house that they are more than worth a little corner of your garden! Below are ten

Healing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Using Homeopathy

by Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSW Joan was 29, but she felt like 65. She was tired, really tired. She had been that way for close to five years, since moving to Seattle from Iowa. She was exhausted after coming home from her work as a corporate manager. She was tired on weekends. She was tired

A Surprising Way to Handle Difficult People

by Karen Larson When faced with difficult behavior at work or with family and friends, most people tend to revert to automatic reactions. They cave in…get defensive or aggressive…or dig in their heels and refuse to budge. None of these reactions produces satisfying results, but they are the only alternatives most of us are aware

4 Simple Ways to Get Kids Outside

Get Kids Outside Childhood obesity has never been a bigger problem than it is right now. There are many factors that have contributed to this. Children nowadays have a large amount of unhealthy processed foods in their diets. As if that was not bad enough, millions of children live a sedentary lifestyle. Instead of going

Eating Fruit: Always first. NEVER last.

We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths. It’s not as easy as you think. It’s important to know how and *when* to eat. What is the correct way of eating fruits? IT MEANS NOT EATING FRUITS AFTER YOUR MEALS! FRUITS SHOULD BE EATEN ON

Why Raw Honey trumps Manuka Honey

I always find it interesting whenever I come across all these newspaper articles and adverts touting the benefits of manuka honey over the other bountiful and delicious varieties. I’ve always been an keen supporter of honey both for its therapeutic benefits and relatively low cost, though manuka honey, as most honey connoisseurs are aware, is

How Natural Rehabilitation Centers Can Help You Heal

Natural Alternatives to Help You Heal There have been many scientific studies and experiments that show how spending time outdoors lowers stress, increases energy levels, and gives people better overall health, mentally and physically. More and more, people with addictions who are seeking help turn to nature-based rehabilitation as an alternative to traditional rehabilitation centers,

The Health Benefits of Mastic Gum

By Cathy Wong, ND – Alternative Medicine Expert Mastic gum is a natural substance extracted from the trunk of the mastic tree (Pistaccia lentiscus var. chia), an evergreen shrub found in the Mediterranean and in North Africa. In some systems of traditional medicine, mastic gum has long been chewed to achieve certain health benefits. […]