10 House Plants That Improve Air Quality

Indoor air pollution can be a big problem in many homes, but fortunately there is a great natural solution for this – houseplants. Houseplants fight indoor air pollution by both cleaning up toxins from the air and by producing oxygen while taking up carbon dioxide. Ten of the best species for purifying the air in

Pre-Natal Problems: Healing Haemorrhoids

As an expectant mother, your health and the health of your baby are naturally your primary concerns – unfortunately, though, pregnancy often brings with it its own health problems. Everything from hormonal changes to the physical weight of carrying a baby can contribute to or exacerbate health concerns and problematic symptoms. While topics such as

7 Best Foods for Moms to Eat after Delivery

Most moms focus on their new babies right after delivery, which is great, but you also need to know that taking care of yourself is vital to both your health and your newborn’s. Paying attention to what you eat now is key. Remember that what you eat is actually passed along to your baby via

Every Parent Should Know Basic First Aid

Most children under a certain age are accident probe. This is because children are exposed to a number of risks in their active everyday lives. Basic first aid for children offers invaluable training for all parents, regardless of the child’s age. Learning first aid for baby is a must for all new parents. First aid

Tart Cherries Lower Blood Uric Acid Levels and Reduces Inflammation

The good news about tart cherries just keeps coming. This tiny red super fruit is fast becoming the first choice for those searching for natural ways to reduce inflammation and pain due to arthritis and gout. The November 2014 edition of The Journal of Functional Foods has reported that the consumption of Montmorency tart cherries

The Power of Potassium

Potassium is a critical mineral that is abundant in fruits and vegetables. The name comes from the word potash, the ashes of plants, from which it was initially isolated. Potassium, along with other electrolytes, plays a vital role in regulating the body’s fluid balance. Too much sodium, or not enough potassium, is associated with water

Lactase Supplements

What are lactase supplements? What are the benefits of using them? Get the scoop on this enzyme supplement, thought to help the body in digesting milk. …read more

Green Tea – How to Brew It

Research suggests that brewing green tea a certain way can increase the antioxidant content. Find out the proper way to brew green tea. …read more

Can Celery Seed Keep Your Blood Pressure in…

A time-honored remedy in traditional Indian medicine, celery seed may help bring your blood pressure down. …read more

20 Yummy Foods for Your Detox Diet

Here are our 20 detox foods. Find out what they are, why they are used for detox, and tips on how to cook with them. …read more