Revive Your Health with Ancient Kombucha Tea

by Traci Knight – Staff Writer By now most people have probably heard of Kombucha Tea. The history of Kombucha still remains shrouded in mystery, but we do know that Kombucha has been around for thousands of years in countries like China, Tibet, Siberia, and Russia. Kombucha has experienced a growth in popularity in the

Boost Immune System to Combat Allergies

Dr. Benoit Tano discusses the relationship between allergies and the immune system. He also discusses options that might help boost the immune system to help further combat allergies. …read more

Could This Actually Be Safer and More Effective than Antidepressants?!

Dr. Timothy Scott is the author of ‘American Fooled, The Truth About Antidepressants, Antipsychotics and How We’ve Been Deceived’. Find out what he thinks about antidepressant use and what could be a more powerful, effective and safer alternative! …read more

Never Quit When it Comes to Breast Cancer Answers

Dr. V?ronique Desaulniers can certainly retire after a successful practice. But she continues to teach and help others heal. Here she describes why she continues her work to educate and give people who are fighting breast cancer hope! …read more

Are E-Cigarettes Really Helping Smokers Quit? (Part 2)

Image c/o Flickr A Olin The success that the e-cigarette manufacturers have attained over the past year has been tremendous. With $2 billion in sales, there seems to be no stopping the proliferation of e-cigarettes. However, the big question remains—can it replace tobacco smoking? This seems to be the question everybody is waiting to be

PABA: More Than a Sunscreen

Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) is a nutrient that is considered to be a member of the B-complex family, although it has been argued that it is not a true vitamin. PABA gained recognition as a sunscreen ingredient for its ability to block UV rays; however, it plays other roles in the human body, including that of

You’ll Never See Statins or Cholesterol the Same After This!

So many people go to the doctor with high cholesterol and end up on a statin or cholesterol lowering drug for years, if not their entire lives. Dr. Peter Glidden says there is something fundamentally wrong with that and that prolonged statin use can lead to many more serious conditions. …read more

Five Hidden Weight Gain Factors You Never Knew!

Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman goes through five key hidden factors of weight gain. Most of us know what some of the main factors of weight gain are, but find out what other things you might be doing or not doing that can add weight. …read more

New Generation of Genetically Engineered Crops and Herbicides Threaten Human Health

by Traci Knight – Staff Writer A debate rages over the approval and safety of 2, 4-D resistant crops, dubbed by environmentalist “agent orange crops”. The agribusiness industry sits poised for USDA approval, as has been granted in Canada already. These crops, primarily corn at this time, are genetically engineered to be resistant to 2,

Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth Quiz

Here is a simple quiz to help you become familiar with the symptoms of small intestine bacterial overgrowth. …read more