B Vitamin Spotlight: All About Biotin

Biotin is part of the B vitamin family. Like the rest of its members, it plays a key role in the body’s metabolic processes. Mainly known for the benefits it confers to nails, biotin is needed for so much more. Deficiencies may lead to many health problems and can even be deadly. Biotin has also

Protect Yourself from the Sun: May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the main cause of skin cancer. UV radiation can also come from tanning booths or sunlamps. The most dangerous kind of skin cancer is called melanoma. The good news? Skin cancer can almost always be

Eat Nuts, Live Longer?

Maylin Rodriguez-Paez RN Are you nuts for nuts? Maybe you should learn to be. Why? Well, for starters, research shows they have just too many health benefits to ignore. In fact, one particular study out of Spain linked eating nuts to a longer life span. Below we’ll dig into the study and give you some

May 23rd is Don’t Fry Day

This month is dedicated to increasing public awareness of the importance of skin cancer prevention, early detection and treatment. There are more than one million skin cancers diagnosed each year in the U.S. That’s more than all other cancers combined. Each hour one person dies from melanoma. Melanoma is the most common form of cancer

Disease is not selective

It seems more and more recently that celebrities are being struck down with various disease – I have a sneaky and sad suspicion that pharma and medicine is using this for their own good. What better way to get the masses on board to buy their wares and believe the hype if idols are spruiking

Time-Tested Natural Cures Doctors Swear By (Part 2)

It is so easy nowadays to go to your nearest pharmacy and get an over-the-counter drug for your ailment, whether it’s just a simple headache, a back pain, or nausea caused by motion sickness and other related factors. But while some are willing to shell out a couple of dollars for these modern medicines, more

Time-Tested Natural Cures Doctors Swear By (Part 1)

While the use of modern medicine is still very much recommended by most doctors, old cures for common ailments have never lost their footing in the world of medicine. What is interesting is that these old remedies have been making waves yet again in recent scientific studies. It seems that these time-tested cures still have

May is Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month

Melanoma Monday was celebrated last May 5 to kickstart the Melanoma Detection and Prevention Month. Groups and organizations from various states have united to advocate against skin cancer, so that people can better understand the disease and discover ways to prevent it. Each year, the first Monday of May is designated as such by the

Five Simple Ways to De-Stress During Your Holistic Cancer Treatment

Many individuals diagnosed with cancer still follow their normal schedule during treatment. However, at some point of the treatment, they begin to deal with an unnatural level of stress, which is expected when you are diagnosed with a life-threatening disease. There will be times when the pressure to overcome cancer is so great that patients

Overcoming Breast Cancer with a Holistic Treatment Program (Part 2)

Women who are newly diagnosed with breast cancer face a different set of fears as they go through various stages of anxiety and acceptance. Many are in a state of denial at first. This can quickly turn to anger and a feeling that their world has been turned upside down. Eventually, reality sets in and