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7 Natural Ways to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home

Spiders are an important part of the environment – but that environment shouldn’t include your home! Fortunately, there are ways to rid your home of these pests without actually hurting them or having to use dangerous pesticides to do. Below are seven suggestions to keep the house spider-free naturally. Use a Mint Spray Spiders (and

17 Easy Ways to Be a More Persuasive Speaker

We all, at some point of our life, want to get our thoughts communicated to a greater number of people. We want to pursue people with our thoughts and ideas. We even try. But, most of us fail in those attempts. Those who win become our idols. We die to get that winning quality, to

Grapefruit for Weight Loss?

Maylin Rodriguez-Paez RN Remember the grapefruit weight loss diet from the 1980’s? Well, there may have been something to it, according to the results of a new study. Essentially, mice given grapefruit juice exhibited weight loss and lower blood sugar levels. The results were recently published in the journal PLOS ONE. Grapefruit Juice for Weight

Just in time for the holidays, the best ingredients to make delicious gluten free and diabetic safe desserts

It’s finally the holiday season, the time of endless family dinners, holiday parties, and sugar laden desserts. If you are diabetic and/or gluten free, it may seem as if you are constantly being deprived of your favorite treats, however there is hope! Try these awesome substitutes to create amazing gluten free and diabetic safe desserts…

Improve These Two Things At Home and Improve Your Health!

Dr. Walter Crinnion discusses a couple of things we use every day but likely don’t think about and how they can be making us sick. Find out how we can make some simple changes and help you and your family become healthier. …read more

7 International Foods Banned in the U.S.

Because of its multicultural society, Americans probably enjoy one of the most diverse diets on earth. In most cities, it is possible to purchase foods or eat in restaurants which serve cuisine from all over the world. However, there are some international foods that are illegal here in the U.S., mostly due to health and

Sterilize Ebola Rooms and Vehicles 100%! (Better and Faster and Easier Than With Light or Bleach)

Sterilize Ebola Rooms and Vehicles 100%! (Better and Faster and Easier Than With Light or Bleach) Copyright 2014 by Ed McCabe Not taught in medical school: Ebola is itself, not what it does, just another wimpy (unable to live in ACTIVE Oxygen) anaerobe. Ebola, like SARS, MERS, MRSA, West Nile, Hemorrhagic Fevers, Bird Flu, Anthrax,

The top 6 energy enhancing super foods that will leave you buzzing

If you are like most people, you are experiencing an energy crisis. In a study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, the prevalence of fatigue in the work place over a two week period of time in the U.S. was 37.9% and 65.7% of workers reported health related lost productive time, resulting

Upgrade your brain and achieve peak performance with these top 8 tips

The human brain is absolutely incredible. It is estimated to contain upwards of 100 billion neurons and 100,000 miles of axoms- enough to encircle the earth four times. Experts have stated that over the course of a lifetime a human being will retain up to 1 quadrillion pieces of information and your brain can hold

Under Too Much Stress? Here Are Some Symptoms To Watch For!

Most of us face different kinds of stress every day. How does your body handle it? Dr. Doni Wilson, author of The Stress Remedy, discusses some of the things that can result from prolonged exposure to stress. Find out what you should be looking for! …read more