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The Blood Type Diet: Hype or Hope?

Find out whether eating according to your blood type can help you slim down and fight off health troubles like heart disease and cancer. …read more

Aspirin: The Good and The Bad

Years ago in the medical publication, The Lancet, an article reported that taking the miracle pill, aspirin, can lower the risk of cancer by 58% and prevents heart attacks and strokes. Even other findings have said it can reduce the accumulation of plaque in the brain of Alzheimer patients and can help reduce symptoms of

WHO wants stricter control over electronic cigarettes

Over the recent years there have been a lot of accusations and counter-accusations by some lobby groups over electronic cigarettes and their perceived benefits in leading smokers to quit their detrimental tobacco use. However, while most e-cigarettes manufacturers are very vocal in trumpeting what they believe are the many health advantages that come with “vaping”,

3 Ways to Combat Stubborn Fat

Stubborn fat – just about everyone can relate to this issue. Despite our best efforts, some body fat tends to cling on to certain areas. It usually likes to set up camp around the abdomen, hips and the thighs – like an unwanted houseguest who just won’t get the hint. There are ways to combat

15 Herbs That Can Do Magic To Your Health

Herbs can do magic to your overall health, they not only improve the taste of foods, but also can help preserve them for longer time, so most of us have herbs in the kitchen cabinet. All herbs originate from plants, no matter from seeds, flowers, leaves, roots or fruits, they are all with disease-fighting antioxidants

6 Common nighttime beauty mistakes to avoid

If you’re like most women, you tend to be pretty meticulous about your morning beauty routine because you want to look the best when you go to work or get out of the house for the day. However, by the end of the day, if things have been hectic and the energy level is low,

10 Processed Foods that Will Slowly Kill You

Most people nowadays have heard about the dangers of processed and “fast” foods, including the risks for obesity, heart disease and diabetes. However, even among the world of processed foods, there are some dishes that are so high in fat and calories that they should be specifically avoided. Below are ten examples of these incredibly

10 Surprising Uses for Baking Soda

Between personal hygiene products and household cleaners, it is possible to feel like you are sitting on a mound of chemicals! Such products can be quite expensive, as any trip down the cleaning aisle in the grocery store can tell you, and furthermore it can introduce chemicals into the home that are not particularly good

10 Best Herbs for Kidney Cleansing

The kidneys may be small organs, but they have an enormous impact on the body and the overall health. Among other things, they help increase red blood cell count, help moderate blood pressure and help the body to absorb Vitamin D – and this is in addition to filtering impurities and toxins from the blood

The Slow Attack: Symptoms of Low-Grade Arsenic Poisoning

Low levels of arsenic, ingested over time through common food and drinking water, can lead to serious and even fatal health complications. While occasionally arsenic may be used as an intentional poison, it is increasingly discovered in ground water. Over time, this constant exposure slowly attacks the body’s vital organs and systems. Small amounts of