Articles Archive

Delay Sex In Order To Make Your Relationship Last

Having sex on the first or second date is common in today’s society. In fact a large number of relationships begin in the bedroom. While there is nothing wrong with having casual sex, or even having intercourse after a couple of dates, it might not be the best way to start a relationship. Simple because

7 Worst Food That Are Good For Weight Loss

According to recent article published in the New England Journal of Medicine, The average adult gains one pound per year, and this steady weight creep may be directly related to what you eat, They analyzed data collected over 20 years from more than 120,000 U.S. men and women who were not obese and were free

This Is Your Pineal Gland

Deep in your brain, in its own little Bat-Cave that sits between the right and left hemispheres of your brain, sits the pineal (PIN ee ull) gland. Mystics call the pineal our “Third Eye,” and say it gives us extrasensory perception. Philosophers describe it as “the seat of the soul,” and say it connects the

Codeine Cough Syrups Reduce White Matter in the Brain

Many countries allow over the counter cough syrups to use codeine as an active ingredient to help suppress a cough. Unfortunately, the practice has allowed codeine cough syrups to become a drug of choice for young people to use as a recreational high. This trend has significant consequences since a new study now indicates that

7 Foods that are ruining your skin in the worst way

While many women are aware that eating certain foods will make you more likely to suffer from a breakout of acne, most do not realize that there are also foods which are just generally unhealthy for your skin and can cause a number of problems including dull, dry skin and wrinkles. Below are some of

10 Nutrient that Shrink Your Belly Fat

Anyone who has ever dieted knows how difficult it can be to whittle down the waistline once extra weight has been added there. he good news is that the supplements listed below can be added to a program of diet and exercise that can help remove that unwanted belly fat. Fruits and Cheese The nutrient

6 Hidden Health Hazards in the Home

When many people think about home safety, things like security systems and fire alarms generally spring to mind. However, there are other, less obvious dangers around the home that can be hazardous to health, particularly if children, elders or pets are part of the family. Read on to find out more about them. Carpet Chemicals

How To Make Sure That You Are Getting Enough Vitamin D

by Dr. Ben Kim – The first point that I make clear with all of my clients is that no single nutrient works on its own to produce health effects in the human body. Your body needs dozens of different nutrients to survive and thrive, and every nutrient that has a nourishing effect on

The Main Reasons We Get Cancer Are Simple!

How do we get cancer? it’s one of the biggest health questions people face. Bob Wright, director of the American Anti-Cancer Institute, says the answer is more simple than people think, and there is something you can do to prevent it! …read more

10 Reasons to Try Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has gotten a lot of positive press in recent years, from healthy living bloggers to medical researchers at universities from around the world. While this has long been touted in folk wisdom as a good overall health tonic, modern medicine appears to be validating many of these claims and below are some