Sterilize Ebola Rooms and Vehicles 100%! (Better and Faster and Easier Than With Light or Bleach)

Sterilize Ebola Rooms and Vehicles 100%! (Better and Faster and Easier Than With Light or Bleach) Copyright 2014 by Ed McCabe Not taught in medical school: Ebola is itself, not what it does, just another wimpy (unable to live in ACTIVE Oxygen) anaerobe. Ebola, like SARS, MERS, MRSA, West Nile, Hemorrhagic Fevers, Bird Flu, Anthrax,

The top 6 energy enhancing super foods that will leave you buzzing

If you are like most people, you are experiencing an energy crisis. In a study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, the prevalence of fatigue in the work place over a two week period of time in the U.S. was 37.9% and 65.7% of workers reported health related lost productive time, resulting

Upgrade your brain and achieve peak performance with these top 8 tips

The human brain is absolutely incredible. It is estimated to contain upwards of 100 billion neurons and 100,000 miles of axoms- enough to encircle the earth four times. Experts have stated that over the course of a lifetime a human being will retain up to 1 quadrillion pieces of information and your brain can hold

Under Too Much Stress? Here Are Some Symptoms To Watch For!

Most of us face different kinds of stress every day. How does your body handle it? Dr. Doni Wilson, author of The Stress Remedy, discusses some of the things that can result from prolonged exposure to stress. Find out what you should be looking for! …read more

A Chocolate Product With More Healthy Antioxidants

Dr. Puya Yazdi discusses a product that maximized the antioxidant potential from the cocoa bean. It’s a product that’s a supplement that can be used as an additive or even a pill. Find out how the product is made and why that makes a difference. …read more

What You Should Know About Leaky Gut Syndrome

Learn about intestinal permeability, also known as leaky gut syndrome and the causes, symptoms, and tests for this condition. …read more

Can Resveratrol Help You Lose Weight?

Get the lowdown on whether resveratrol, an antioxidant found in the skin of red grapes, can fight fat and help with weight loss. …read more

3 Health Benefits of the Pau D'Arco Plant

What is pau d’arco? What are the benefits of using pau d’arco? Get the lowdown on this herbal rainforest remedy, said to boost the immune system. …read more

Survivorship Care: Staying as a Cancer Survivor

Everyone’s capable of being diagnosed with cancer. As they say, cancer doesn’t choose who to hit or not to hit. Once diagnosed, various sicknesses and pain are present to challenge your whole being’s ability to conquer all. The battle of the one suffering is such an inspiration, and surviving cancer is both a miracle and

Publicly Funded Bariatric Surgery

Last night I half watched a news clip about Bariatric Surgery and the push for this procedure to become publicly funded. With a little research today I found that the ACT has already begun paying for bariatric weight-loss surgery, making taxpayer-funded operations available in the ACT for the first time. Taxpayer-funded weight-loss surgery has been