Your Guide to the Benefits and Uses of Vitamin K

What is vitamin K? What are the benefits of taking it? Get the scoop on this vitamin and find out about the different forms, vitamin K cream, food sources, and more. …read more

October 2014 Top Holistic (Brain) Health News

In a few days I’ll heading off to to learn all about one of my favorite subjects, the gut, from some of the top integrative doctors in the world. Specifically, I’ll be flying to Miami for my next module of my functional medicine training! I am looking forward to sharing what I learn with all

Dry Skin Eliminated With This All-Natural Skin Nourishment Spray

As some of you may know my daughter (6) suffers from eczema, it tends to flare up really bad more so in the cold winter months., mainly on her arms, and sometimes a bit on her forehead and mouth area. Over winter just gone, she got a bad dose of it after it had been

10 Facts you need to know about your Brain on Sex

Most men have probably wondered at one time or another why their brains just told them to do something, and it probably pertained to sex. The brain is the organ that controls all of the body’s functions, and this also includes a man’s penis. Since the brain is the deciding factor on who a man

Unexplained Symptoms? – Could be your Ileocecal Valve

Could you have Ileocecal Valve Syndrome? The most common response is “what’s an Ileocecal valve?” It’s a small circular valve located between the small and large intestine. It is located on the lower right side of the abdomen just above the appendix. It allows digested food to pass from the small intestine into your large

Organic Maca Root Powder and It’s Long List of Health Benefits

Continued, and persistent use of high quality organic Maca root powder promotes improvement in the physical, hormonal, and emotional states of regular people. Simply put, maca is a root that grows in the Andes Mountains of Peru. This root has been utilized as a food source for hundreds of years, and a vast amount of

Guess which is your most important meal?

Most of us think if we blow-off breakfast we’ll lose weight. How would you like to lose 30 pounds within a year? Let’s face it, losing weight isn’t easy. But keeping it off is way harder. The people that study weight dilemmas say it can be done with little effort. Reports say that one in

Six Real Benefits of Enlisting Help from a Life Coach

Life coaches are sought out by individuals in almost every walk of life ranging from professional athletes and business executives, to young professionals or those simply trying to find a fulfilling path through life. For those that feel as if some aspect of their life is in a rut, here is a look at six

7 Plants that Repel Insects

If your home, yard or garden has been plagued by insects this summer, it may be tempting to reach for the traditional chemical pesticides in an attempt to get rid of them. But wait! There are plenty of plants that can help you repel these flying nuisances without having to poison your home to do

20 Super Health benefits of vegan diet

Studies have shown that vegan (following a well-balanced low-fat high-fibre vegetarian diet) often have lower incidence of coronary artery disease, hypertension, obesity and some forms of cancer. People presume vegans to be fringe eaters depriving themselves of proper nutrition, but a vegan diet has all the necessary ingredients to keep one strong and healthy. Here’s