26 Top easy ideas for a healthy slim body

Tips or Ideas to Add to Your Life 1. Drink lots of water. This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to accelerate weight loss. You will be cleansing out toxins and guess where toxins reside. In fat cells so remove toxins and the fat cells will drop away too. 2. Eat a

Cabbage: Natural Medicine for Diabetes , Cancer And More

While this lowly member of the cruciferous family does not get the same attention as its cousins, broccoli and cauliflower, the health benefits of eating this leafy green vegetables abound and it was used for its medicinal properties by people as diverse as the early Greeks, and the ancient Egyptians and British soldiers during World

Maintaining Your Eco Home

Buying or building an eco-friendly home is an excellent step towards reducing a carbon footprint and helping the environment, but more can always be done to save energy and resources. Multiple things can be done to improve a home that already has some eco-friendly traits; some of these are small projects that can get overlooked

5 Tips to Teach Your Child Better Posture

“Sit up straight, don’t slouch!” Everyone has heard this phrase many times as children. Parents seem to understand the importance of having good posture, but do they actually understand why it is so important? Proper posture plays a fundamental role in the anatomical development of children from a young age. Posture refers to the body’s

Top Superfoods for Your Hair, Nails and Skin

Beauty really isn’t just skin-deep – often, it is just as much a matter of a healthy lifestyle, hydration and nutrient-rich diet as it is about genetics. If you want to beautify your hair, skin and nails, then the best way to do that is from the inside-out, by eating foods that will nourish your

5 Ways to Use Essential Oils in the Garden

You are probably used to using essential oils for a variety of health and beauty needs, whether it is oil of cloves to tamp down a toothache or tea tree oil to help clear up an outbreak of acne. But did you know there are also ways you can use these same essential oils in

A Disgusted Population Moves To Label GMO Food

The battle lines were drawn long ago from the brave whistle blowers and teachers like Dr. Don Huber, Dr. Joseph Mercola, and many others that were ahead of the curve in warning of the upcoming fight. Now we are at the crossroads. We are facing our generation’s big tobacco companies who are devious, underhanded, and

How To Stay Healthy, On-The-Go! 5 Tremendous Teas

Want to stay healthy as the winter season approaches? Stave off sickness before it starts this season (or any for that matter) by taking your tea to-go! Teas are a great way to eliminate toxins and boost your immunity with a flavorful punch that plain water lacks. There are tons of healthy teas you can

Your Guide to the Benefits and Uses of Vitamin K

What is vitamin K? What are the benefits of taking it? Get the scoop on this vitamin and find out about the different forms, vitamin K cream, food sources, and more. …read more

October 2014 Top Holistic (Brain) Health News

In a few days I’ll heading off to to learn all about one of my favorite subjects, the gut, from some of the top integrative doctors in the world. Specifically, I’ll be flying to Miami for my next module of my functional medicine training! I am looking forward to sharing what I learn with all