The Health Benefits of Evening Primrose Oil

What is evening primrose oil? Get the scoop on this oil, rich in essential fatty acids, which may help alleviate symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and eczema and shows promise as a natural breast-cancer fighter. …read more

Everything You Need to Know About Energy Drinks

What are energy drinks? Can they help to increase energy? Are there any safety concerns? …read more

Coloring Mandalas as a Meditation Technique

Coloring mandalas are a great meditation technique. Try this free printable coloring mandala page. …read more

3 Ways to Soothe Eczema Without a Prescription

Learn about natural treatments for eczema, including probiotics, gamma-linoleic acid, and topical herbal remedies. …read more

3 Natural Remedies for Warts

What are warts? Find out about natural remedies and treatments that may help to remove those unsightly growths. …read more

The REAL Story of Where I’ve Been the Past Year…

I’m back! And finally ready to share what I’ve really been doing since I stepped away from Embracing Health – to a large extent – over the past eighteen months. Many of you know me from my Hippocrates days. I spend many years working as the naturopath and massage therapist at ‘Hippos’ – the raw,

Why Everyone is Speaking of Gluten…How Gluten and Dairy Affect Our Genes

Gluten free…science fiction or science? I’ve written several articles on why gluten may not be a great idea for overall health. For example, last month I wrote about a researcher’s theory that a pesticide was causing an increase in celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. Now, a new study using cell cultures provides another possible mechanism

9 Surprising Facts About Pizza

Surprising Facts about Pizza It’s America’s favorite takeout food, but how much do you know about pizza? From pepperoni to mushroom, pizza is a solid favorite among Americans. Do you know any facts about the delicious dish? The cheesy bread-based food is one of the best dishes in the world. Here are nine great facts

Avocados: How a fatty food can help you lose weight

This creamy fruit, most famously known for being used in guacamole, is considered fatty but in a way that actually helps with weight loss and not the opposite. Avocado is three-quarters fat and most of this is monounsaturated fat. This fat is considered a healthy fat which can actually lower bad cholesterol thereby reducing your

Anyone Can Prepare Healthy Food with These Meal Prep Hacks

Preparing and cooking meals can be very time consuming and is a process that a lot of people would just rather avoid. But even if you don’t enjoy the whole cooking thing, you can still eat delicious, nutritions meals at home. There are a variety of solutions and kitchen hacks you can try that just