Ways to Reduce Acrylamide Levels in Coffee

In regards to acrylamide, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that, for most people, coffee does not represent the greatest source of exposure to acrylamide. This often is more likely to come from things like fried potato products like French fries or baked breads. The bad news is that acrylamide

10 Foods that Heal Common Health Problems

Medicines can treat many different ailments – but they are not the only way to help cure many common health problems. Food can also play a role in the healing process, and increasingly the medical community is becoming aware of just how much the right foods can help with a number of maladies. Ten foods

How Cannabis May Benefit Both Health and Economy

Cannabis, also known as Ganja, grass, Hemp, Pot, Marijuana and Weed, is a flowering herb that is used for recreational and medicinal purposes. It’s illegal in most parts of the country but has seen increased legalized in several states for medicinal use. Many people see the positive effects outweighing the negative side effects when using

5 Ways to Embrace your Child’s Creativity with Piano Lessons

Inspiring certain degree of confidence in the child or children’s creative capabilities is truly one of the numerous sound gifts you could provide them. Real pleasure in your life starts at the edge of the recognized world; therefore you don’t want your children to lose out On that dynamic and joyous adventure. Listed here are

Pre and Post Workout Nutrition-Keep it Simple

Fuel good. Feel good. You work hard during that workout and getting in the car and heading on to the shower, work or errands directly after is probably part of the equation, but it is also a crucial time to get the full benefit of the workout. Think of it as “Workout-Part 2”. Think of

The Health Power of Plants

The benefits of a plant-based diet have recently gained wider approval by mainstream medicine. The American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association have both recommended diets high in fruits and vegetables. The latest American Cancer Society Guidelines, published in 2012, include “Eat a healthy diet, with an emphasis on plant foods,” and “Eat at

Pre and Post Workout Nutrition-Keep it Simple

Fuel good. Feel good. You work hard during that workout and getting in the car and heading on to the shower, work or errands directly after is probably part of the equation, but it is also a crucial time to get the full benefit of the workout. Think of it as “Workout-Part 2”. Think of

You Won’t Believe How The Things You Drink Can Damage Your Body!

Do you get enough water? Andreas Moritz says we’re all dehydrated and probably don’t even know it. He offers signs and symptoms to look for that would indicate we’re not getting enough water. Many of the beverages we drink now, like coffee, tea, soda and sports drinks don’t offer the water we need. http://www.ihealthtube.com http://www.facebook.com/ihealthtube

Is This a Safer, More Effective Alternative to Mammograms?

Dr. Lena Edwards talks about the effectiveness of breast thermography. Find out how the procedure is done and how effective it might be in detection of breast cancer. http://www.ihealthtube.com http://www.facebook.com/ihealthtube …read more

Why Wait to Choose Natural Medicine?

So many people only try natural medicine only after other avenues have failed them. Dr. Judith Boice discusses the types of patients she’s seen. She says there are often two kinds of patients that choose natural medicine. Are you one of those? http://www.ihealthtube.com http://www.facebook.com/ihealthtube …read more