
What is sharavari? Get the scoop on the health benefits of this ayurvedic herbal remedy, said to help with a variety of health conditions including diabetes and ulcers. …read more

Health Benefits of Magnolia Bark

What is magnolia bark? What are the benefits of using it? Get the lowdown on this herbal remedy, said to help with menopause, depression, anxiety, and other health concerns. …read more

A Change In Taste

How do you feel about vegetables? Brussel sprouts? Broccoli? Rocket? If these foods are not on your yummy list, do you just choke them down because they’re good for you or do you avoid them all together? What if I were to tell you that you could actually and easily come to love them… When

Lemon Ginger Turmeric Tea, A Medicinal Elixir For Winter Wellness

Take your morning warm lemon water ritual to a new level with the anti-inflammatory and detoxing powers of ginger and turmeric. This winter wellness elixir is packed with health promoting antioxidants which detoxify your liver and blood, and kick start digestion. This immune boosting recipe works wonders to treat a cold, sore throat, cough, seasonal

All Natural Transdermal Pain Products That Really Work!

What if you didn’t have to take pain medication to manage your pain? Life isn’t meant to be lived in pain, or to suffer though… Prescription pain medication, or even over the counter, can have unwanted side effects. Here are a few ideas that I have personally tried and that have worked wonders for me.

Is Couscous OK For Diabetics?

Mention “couscous” to diabetics and the first thought may be that it’s an absolute no-no, a carbohydrate-laden food not worth giving a thought to, let alone one that should be eaten due to the blood sugar spikes that would ensue. But is the hesitation valid? The food, which is both a grain and a pasta

We All Have Parasites: Symptoms, Cleanses, and 10 Foods That Prevent

Humans, just the same as other animals, have always had parasites, both inside and outside of our bodies. Its easy to see inside of animals when you dissect a fish, frog or pig in a college biology lab. The perfect environment for parasites to grow and live within our bodies is promoted by a diet

Fight cancer, boost overall health with lycopene-rich foods

Lycopene, a powerful carotenoid found mostly in many red and orange hued fruits and vegetables, is a great way to ward off cancers and boost overall health.(1,2) An increasing amount of studies have noted its ability to help slow cancer growth, particular when it comes to prostate cancer, many times leading to cell apoptosis (cell

5 Natural Ways to Kill Garden Weeds

Like any gardener, you probably have noticed that flowers and vegetables are not the only things that like to grow in your garden. The weeds love it, too – and why wouldn’t they, with all the free fertilizer and water they could wish for? Weeds are a frustrating and, pardon the pun perennial problem, but

Burdock Root-It Is The Best For Many Purposes

The amazing Burdock root was considered to be an important herb in Chinese medicine and is highly regarded by modern herbal practitioners. It offers a wide variety of health benefits, both topically and as a edible aid,and is well known for it’s healing properties. This herb has been used for centuries to treat numerous illnesses