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If This Happens As You Age, It’s NOT Normal! You Can Stop It!

What is the genetic capacity for humans to live? What is the average age? Why is there a big difference? Are we all destined to get some sort of disease as we get older? Dr. Peter Glidden says no. Find out why this is and why the perception is that we will all get sick

Can Curcumin Treat Pancreatic Cancer?

Maylin Rodriguez-Paez RN Within the last couple of decades, significant strides have not been made in the field of pancreatic cancer. To date, the best treatment option (if diagnosed early) is a surgery called the Whipple Procedure which was developed in the 1930s. With few treatments on the horizon, it makes sense to seek alternatives.

Are These Cures Already Available? Why Is Nobody Talking About Them?!

Dr. Joel Wallach started his career as a veterinarian. He spend countless hours studying health and nutrition in various animals. Here, he talks about how that start translated into his naturopathic career, and how many of he conditions that have been taken care of in animals can also be cured in humans. …read

Seven Ways to Avoid Stress and Prevent Heart Disease (Part 2)

Everyone feels stress in different amounts and reacts to it in different ways. How much stress you feel and how you react to it can lead to a wide variety of health problems — and that’s why it’s critical to know what you can do about it. When stress is constant, your body remains in

Teenager Killed from Deadly Bacteria after Routine Dentist Visit

By Christina Snider – Staff Writer While most of us assume we are doing the right thing by taking our children to the dentist, that isn’t always the case. Sure, they tell you to get your family in every six months for a checkup and cleaning. As much as you want to assume they know

Edible Cannabis in a Changing Landscape

by Traci Knight staff writer The status of cannabis for both medicine and recreation is enjoying rapid growth. Medical marijuana is legal in twenty states and the district of Columbia. With the advent of recreational marijuana laws in the states of Washington and Colorado, and the growing prevalence of medical marijuana dispensaries throughout the country,

Baby Basics: How To Make Your Own Baby Bath Wash

by Elizabeth Seward – Staff Writer You want your little one to be as safe and healthy as possible – that goes without saying. But a lot of toxins are hidden in products we are meant to innately trust without questioning. If many major companies had their way, slapping the words “baby safe” on a

Could Pesticides be Linked to Autism in Children?

By Christina Snider – Staff Writer According to new studies, women who are pregnant and living near an agricultural field where they spray pesticides are prone to having children with autism. The study, conducted by UC Davis MIND Institute, determined that those mothers that were exposed to these harmful pesticides ended up have a two-thirds

What is a Liver Flush?

What is a liver flush? Why do people do it? What are the possible side effects? …read more

Maracuja Oil

What is maracuja oil? Find out more about the health benefits and uses of this oil, said to nourish skin and hair. …read more