Articles Archive

45% of Americans Are Mentally Ill According to These Physicians!

Are 45% of Americans really mentally ill? Some doctors seems to think that’s the case. Dr. Gary Kohls discusses that issue as well as the roots of psychiatric problems. Many of the problems, he says, starts because of various kinds of trauma in childhood. …read more

Stop ADD and ADHD in 18 Days By Eliminating This!

Dr. Bob DeMaria discusses the role of a certain fat in so many foods and how it relates to ADD And ADHD. His book illustrates how those conditions can be stopped in 18 days. Find out how that can be and how the conditions can be tied to what you eat! …read more

3 Health Benefits of Saffron Extract

What is saffron extract? What are the healing benefits of saffron extract? Get the lowdown on this nutritional supplement. …read more

Green Coffee for Weight Loss

What is green coffee? Get the lowdown on the health benefits of this natural product, which shows promise as a weight loss aid and a natural treatment for high blood pressure. …read more

Health Benefits of Chokeberry

What is chokeberry? What are the benefits of using it? Get the scoop on this antioxidant supplement, said to fight oxidative stress and offer additional health benefits. …read more

What Is Devil’s Claw Used For?

Information about the herb devil’s claw. Page 2. …read more

White Willow Bark – Possible Herb – Drug…

Drug interactions for white willow bark. …read more

Why It Pays to Boost Your Immune System This Summer

Why It Pays to Boost Your Immune System This Summer Source:binghamton.spoonuniversity Summer is all about the outdoors, which is why people take advantage of the sunny weather to engage in various sports and physical activities. Some go on vacation and focus on sun, surf, and sand before fall makes it too cold to go for

Everyone Should Stop Eating These Four Foods!

Dr. Peter Glidden opens the interview discussing the growing number of anti-depressant prescriptions. The discussion leads to the reason for the increased number of prescriptions and finally four foods he says to stop eating immediately as they could be the cause to so many negative health conditions. …read more

5 Home Health Remedies Backed by Research

Maylin Rodriguez-Paez RN Before there were prescription medications and fancy trips to the doctor, there were home remedies. Tested through time, most have been passed down from generation to generation. Chances are you’ve tried a home health remedy or two. And while you may have noticed that some are totally bogus, some of them really