Articles Archive

Natural Remedies for Your Irritable Bowel…

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common bowel disorder that can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, and gas. Learn about natural remedies for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), including herbs, diet, hypnotherapy, and more. …read more


What is burdock? What are the benefits of burdock? Get the scoop on this herb, and learn about the many uses and possible side effects of using it. …read more

Food Combining Diet

What is the food combining diet? Why do people follow it? What are some of the drawbacks of the diet? …read more

Stop Stressing: Take Some Time for Yourself

By Christina Snider – Staff Writer For many people, stress is just a normal part of their everyday lives. No matter how overworked you are, it seems like taking time for yourself to rest and rejuvenate isn’t part of the plan. You put it off until tomorrow, next week, next month, until the day never

Prescription Drug Abuse: Just How Bad Is It?

By Christina Snider – Staff Writer When you think about drug abuse, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Most of us think about cocaine, heroin, marijuana and any other host of illicit drugs. However, it might come as a shock to learn that the most common type of substance abuse today is

The Link Between Autism, Schizophrenia, And Pollution

by Elizabeth Seward – Staff Writer Members of the media and general public have been trying to find a cause for autism for years now. Along the way, scared parents, doctors, and citizens at large have been all too eager to point every which way at any sort of potentially suspicious practice. But the fear

6 Diet Tips to Prevent Cancer

By Christina Snider – Staff Writer Even though there isn’t a food out there that is going to keep cancer away, there are certain things that you can do to avoid getting one of the major cancers. For starters, how about sticking with more of a plant-based diet? Eating more vegetables and fruits, while consuming

Vaccination – the truth.

As a child I was vaccinated. Yet even back then with a nurse as a mum, us kids were encouraged to ‘catch’ whatever we could, to build our immunity naturally. I could never understand why family members still got sick and even died from diseases they had been vaccinated for. Later on, during my own

Take Milk Thistle To Prevent Hangovers

by Elizabeth Seward – Staff Writer Milk thistle, an annual or biennial purple flowering plant that is in the daisy and sunflower family (Asteraceae), is known by many names. If you haven’t heard it referred to as milk thistle, perhaps you have heard it referred to by its scientific name, silybum marianum, or one of

Alcohol Exposure In-Utero Causes Severe Motor Skill Impairment

By Christina Snider – Staff Writer For many couples, they struggle just to get pregnant. It seemed as if the journey to parenthood was never going to happen. The moment they find out they are pregnant, they do everything possible to ensure the health and well-being of that child. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks that same