Good Reasons You Should Eat Kale and Top 10 Ways to Prepare It

Kale is an excellent nutrient dense vegetable and is being called “the queen of greens” as well as ” a nutritional powerhouse.” It’s high in vitamins and antioxidants which promotes your health in several ways. It’s easy to add this super vegetable into your diet, you can enjoy in soups, salads, smoothies and stir-fries.

Great Ways to Eat Kale (Check the detailed recipe directions at the bottom of the article):

1.Kale Chips

2.Kale Pesto

3.Sauteed Kale

4.Kale Quiche

5.Kale Soup

6.Kale Lasagna

7.Kale Juice

8.Kale Slaw

9.Kale Pasta

10.Kale Pizza

Here are the top benefits of kale:

Kale promotes weight loss

you can get a full feeling easily without taking more calories or fat …read more