How to Make Magnesium Oil For Better Health

Magnesium is an vital mineral for our body, and these who have magnesium deficiency may suffer from lots of symptoms, 16 of which are including:

•Calcium deficiency
•Poor heart health
•Muscle cramps
•High blood pressure
•Type II diabetes
•Respiratory issues
•Potassium deficiency
•Difficulty swallowing
•Poor memory

You can boost the magnesium levels via food by including high-magnesium-containing foods into your diet, here are a few recommended foods: Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, soybeans, black beans, cashews, spinach, squash, sesame seeds, almonds and okra.

You can also increase your magnesium levels by applying magnesium oil on to your skin, this is an safe and natural option to use magnesium oil and together with …read more