7 Amazing Health Benefits Of Watermelon

by Elizabeth Seward – Staff Writer It’s officially watermelon season. The presence of this melon at summer events, like barbeques, has always been a joy for me. It has a subtle but sweet flavor and it is pleasantly hydrating. Watermelon is a flowering plant and it is originally from southern Africa. Watermelon is such a

Massage for Back Pain

Getting a good rubdown may help ease low back pain, a condition that affects up to 85 percent of Americans at some point in their lives. …read more

Homeopathy for Insect Bites and Stings

Learn about using homeopathy for insect bites and stings. …read more

Health Benefits of Rose Essential Oil

What is rose essential oil? What are the health benefits of using it? Get the scoop on this popular essential oil, which may help to decrease stress, enhance mood and ease cramps. …read more

Crystal Deodorant

Get the lowdown on whether crystal deodorants are your best solution for banishing body odor. …read more

8 Ways to Relieve PMS Symptoms Naturally

PMS symptoms can range from mild to severe. Learn about the symptoms and the best natural remedies for PMS, including herbs, supplements, and alternative therapies. Page 2. …read more

5 Ways To Create A Soothing Childbirth Environment

by Elizabeth Seward – Staff Writer I’m about to experience childbirth for the first time and being in this position has made me think a lot about how I can create the most soothing childbirth environment possible. I know that labor and delivery will be physically, mentally, and emotionally trying no matter what, but I’d

Chicken pox – ‘pox party’ or forced immunity?

I am frequently asked about chicken pox, usually because the person asking is alarmed my children are not vaccinated and somehow pose a mystery threat, carrying all the diseases for which they are not ‘protected’… But today I was pleasantly surprised because some people were planning a ‘pox party’ – something popular in the natural

New Research Says Nicotine Can Initiate “Cancer State”

by Elizabeth Seward – Staff Writer If you have been trying to quit smoking, you know as well as many others do how onerous the process can be. Simply choosing to stop smoking is easier said than done when you’re dealing with the kind of physical addiction that comes with cigarette smoking. Because of the

The Importance Of Forgiveness And Tips For Letting Go

by Elizabeth Seward – Staff Writer It’s not always easy to forgive someone who has caused you pain. In fact, this is often a highly difficult task. But forgiveness is a decision that you are empowered to make. It is a decision to release resentment and negative emotions toward another. It is a decision to