Portion Control For Weight Loss – 50 Foods Under 100 Calories

Proper portion control is a major factor when you’re trying to lose pounds and keep it off. It’s important to not eat too much of any particular type of food, and avoid eating too little too. Learn about the recommended serving sizes of various types of food, following listed 50 nutritious foods and their proper portion size, which will fill you up for less than 100 calories:

65 Calories-1 cup fresh red raspberries
85 Calories-1 cup blueberries
70-80 Calories-1 large egg
95 Calories-1 cup broccoli florets with 3 Tbsp dip
90 Calories-3/4 oz sharp Cheddar
75 Calories-1 roasted skinless chicken drumstick
85 Calories-1/2 medium baked potato
65 Calories-1 …read more