Sterilize Ebola Rooms and Vehicles 100%! (Better and Faster and Easier Than With Light or Bleach)

Sterilize Ebola Rooms and Vehicles 100%!

(Better and Faster and Easier Than With Light or Bleach)

Copyright 2014 by Ed McCabe

Not taught in medical school: Ebola is itself, not what it does, just another wimpy (unable to live in ACTIVE Oxygen) anaerobe. Ebola, like SARS, MERS, MRSA, West Nile, Hemorrhagic Fevers, Bird Flu, Anthrax, Swine, AIDS, etc., are all classified as anaerobes, so can they live in Active Oxygen? Anaerobe means “cannot live in Active forms of Oxygen.” Of course, this fact, like the historic DOD colloidal silver successful virus destruction testing, or the mega dose natural Vitamin C studies, is …read more