This Homemade Elixir Cure Nagging Cough & Lung Inflammation Very Effectively

Cough is actually a vital player in the body’s defence against disease. Coughing expels mucus, microbes, and foreign particles from the respiratory tract, protecting the lungs from infection and inflammation. The forced and sometimes violent exhalation can be voluntary as well as reflexive, since coughing is useful for moving and clearing out anything disturbing our breathing from the respiratory system.

Persistent Cough Cause

-Postnasal drip
-Chronic bronchitis
-Aspiration during swallowing
-Heart failure
-Lung infections
-Pertussis (whooping cough)
-Lung cancer
-Common in smokers
-Tobacco smoke itself
-Lung cancer
-Lung infections

Need to soothe a nagging cough? Here is perfect homeremedies to cure nagging cough and lung inflammation naturally. It is especially helpful during cold …read more