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15 Petrochemical Skin Care Ingredient to Avoid

Even people who are very particular about what they put into their mouths – who buy organic or natural foods with as little processing as possible – aren’t as aware of the number of harsh chemicals they are exposing themselves to every time they step into the bathroom. Skin and beauty care products – even

10 Foods that Help Fight Depression

Depression is a common condition many will suffer from at least a mild form of it at one point in their lives. Prescription antidepressants are available, but these drugs come with a variety of unwanted side effects and many people opt for a more natural approach to treament. Apart from regular exercise, adequate sleep and

Simple Tips for the Prevention of Gray Hair

Prevention of Gray Hair It used to be assumed that the emergence of gray hair was a sign of wisdom, a rite of passage for adults as they reached a certain age. With the number of people today who are seeing gray hairs at an earlier age, it becomes obvious that there are other factors

How to Make Simple Pain Relief Turmeric Ginger Tea

Pain Relief Turmeric Ginger Tea Ginger and Turmeric are both great anti-inflammation remedies by themselves but when you combine them they become a powerhouse. The strong anti-inflammatory properties of ginger are amazing for dealing with muscle and pain such as that caused by arthritis. The gingerols contained in Ginger are the anti-inflammatory substances. Research supports

Everything You Need to Know about Yoga and the Lymphatic System

Did you know that the secret to a healthy immune system is a healthy lymphatic system? Did you know that regular Yoga practice can help your body move vital lymph throughout your body, preventing illness and improving your overall well being? You don’t have to be a hardcore yogi to improve your health with Yoga.

Mental Dieting and Weight Loss – Is there really any Connection?

There are many ways that individuals can use to help in losing the extra weight they have gained. Exercises such as running, walking, cycling and swimming are helpful in making one’s body be active and burn fat therefore losing weight. Diet plans are helpful too in ensuring an individual is able to shed off extra

Let intelligence determine what you eat and not your tongue.

For the most part we know that the SAD (Standard American Diet) has its shortcomings. It is a diet comprised of eating anything that had a face and a mother, processed foods full of cancer causing additives, MSG euphemisms, and now Monsanto’s neotame, which is way worse than aspartame, and GMOs, all not requiring labeling.

You’re Likely Suffering from a Vitamin Deficiency and Don’t Know It

Suffering from a vitamin deficiency Vitamin deficiencies are real and widespread–and the effects can be devastating. Vitamin deficiencies are some of the most common health concerns. They also happen to be one of the most under-diagnosed. That means you are probably suffering from this health issue and don’t even know it. You Aren’t Getting Enough

10 Easy Ways To Alkalize Your Body And Improve Overall Health

In a world dominated by toxic and acid-forming foods such as refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, refined grains, additives, GMOs and conventionally produced meats and dairy it is no wonder that so many of us are struggling with stress, allergies, nutrient deficiencies, obesity, and chronic or life-threatening diseases. Why Alkalizing Your Body Is So Important For

This Should Concern You Most About GMOs!

Are genetically modified foods beneficial or will we see big problems down the road with the increased use of these products? Dr. Peter Glidden discusses the controversial topic. Here what he thinks could be the biggest concern when it comes to the use and consumption of genetically modified foods. …read more