Articles Archive

Boycott the Ice Bucket Challenge and Truly Support Those with ALS

There really hasn’t been anything that has gone more viral across social media this year than the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. When one is nominated to take the challenge, they have 24 hours to comply by dumping a bucket of cold ice water on their head or donate money to The ALS Association. Celebreties, and

Vegetarian Protein Combining

Plant proteins come from beans, nuts, peas and soy products, etc. A vegetarian diet should include a variety of foods that have complementary proteins. …read more

Natural Remedies For Pets

My partner and I recently became the proud caretakers of a 7 year old Staffordshire bull terrier named Rex. As Rex’s newly adoptive owners we have spent the first six months getting to know this little ball of muscle, his likes, dislikes, and finding out how we fit together as a family unit. In doing

Alternative Medicine for Muscular Dystrophy

Get the scoop on natural remedies that may aid in the treatment of muscular dystrophy, a class of genetic disorders marked by degradation of the muscles. …read more

Bitter Orange for Weight Loss

Supplement manufacturers claim that bitter orange can boost weight loss efforts, but science shows that this herbal remedy may have adverse side effects. …read more

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Really Help You Lose…

Get the scoop on whether sipping apple cider vinegar can help with weight loss. …read more

15 Ways to Naturally Ease Back Aches

Here are some of the most popular remedies for back pain, including vitamin B12, magnesium, anti-inflammatory herbs, and more. Page 2. …read more

5 Amazing Ways To Use Pure Aloe Vera Gel For A Healthy And Rejuvenated Skin

Aloe vera has been used for centuries to promote a healthy and rejuvenated skin. It was one of Cleopatra’s favorite beauty secrets. She used to cover her body with the healing gel as a part of her daily beauty routine. And a beauty she was, if we may believe ancient history. Aloe vera’s succulent leaves

5 Strange yet Awesome Juice Recipes

Are you a juicer? If you are I bet you have found 1 or 2 juices that you love and probably rarely venture out to make other juice recipes. I definitely understand that as it’s nice to get in a routine and know exactly what you are going to get. However, one of the biggest

9 Things That People Living With Fibromyalgia Want You To Know

People living with fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition, are often misunderstood for a variety of reasons. As a person living with fibromyalgia and working with fibromyalgia clients I’ve amassed a list of 9 things that people living with fibromyalgia want you to know. They aren’t hypochondriacs. The pain and fatigue and everything else is real.