Articles Archive

Ear Wax – Breaking down the buildup

The ear canal often times gets buildup of a yellow substance we call earwax. The glands in the ear canal produce this substance for no exact known reason other than to trap particles and dust before they might reach the eardrum. Without realizing it, most of the time ear wax dries up and become a

The Ties Between Inflammation and Cancer, Explained Simply

The interconnectedness of inflammation and cancer has been a subject of increasing interest in recent years. However, the majority of information available online might be too highfalutin and perplexing for those seeking straightforward answers to the connection between inflammation and cancer. This article simplifies their link and highlights lifestyle strategies for fighting inflammation.   Understanding

Top Three Science-Backed Massages for Arthritis

Pain and swelling are symptoms that someone with arthritis deals with on a regular basis. It can limit mobility, complicating the easiest of everyday tasks. For example, something as simple as walking to the bathroom and squatting over the toilet can be painfully difficult for someone with arthritis in the knee. Fortunately, if you or

Co-relation of Early Detection and Successful Patient Outcomes

A total of about 1.9 million cancer diagnoses and 609,820 cancer deaths are expected in the United States in 2023, and it remains the second leading cause of death in the country until the present. Despite these high rates, there has been a substantial decline of 33% in cancer deaths due to early detection, advancement

Celiac Disease – Is gluten free the way for everyone to be?

The stigmatism around gluten has been growing especially as more and more people have discovered food allergies and digestive problems with their diets. In fact, 1 in 100 people have celiac disease. Complaints of diarrhea, fatigue, nausea, bloating, and anemia warrant a trip to the doctor who is likely to ask you about the foods

The nightmare named Obama!

First of all, the Bilderbergs and not the people, elected Obama. At this point we are all aware of the fact that he and Hillary disappeared for a few days and when they came back Hillary bowed out but became Secretary of State. I guess that’s the reward for being a “hooker”. But, why Obama?

Organic vs Farm raised – Food production & buyer’s preference

When it comes to the foods we choose to purchase, particularly those that are fresh, we are presented with a variety of choices. More and more we are hearing about organic and farm raised produce and meats. Both the terms “organic” and “farm raised” refer to how the crop or animal has been raised by

Connecting the Dots: Toilet Paper and PFAS in Wastewater

Do you remember when everyone was rushing to the grocery store and practically fighting over toilet paper during the pandemic? Perhaps it was better to leave them on the shelves, as recent findings suggest that toilet paper is a source of PFAS in wastewater. Synthetic “forever” chemicals known as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) lurk

A Review of How Scorpion Venom Lights Up Brain Tumors

Brain tumors affect 1 in 150 men and 1 in 185 women in the United States. These abnormal growths, whether benign or malignant, can cause life-threatening consequences without prompt and successful intervention. A conventional approach to addressing brain tumors is through surgical removal – a meticulous and critical endeavor. Brain tumors have an infiltrative nature,

7 Commonly Occurring Cancers in People With Autism

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and the presence of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. Individuals with ASD may also have varying ways of paying attention, learning, or moving. This developmental disability affects people worldwide. According to the Centers for Disease Control and