7 Simple Ways a Business Can be Greener

Simple Ways a Business Can be Greener Waste disposal has been an ongoing problem in this country for years. We hear horror stories about landfill sites being close to breaking point, how some council recycling programs aren’t being run correctly and how household waste is at an all-time high. So what about businesses with all

Recovery Challenge, Back to Basics

Introduction The recovery products industry is a growing multibillion dollar industry. Synthetically manufactured recovery supplements continue to fill stores globally however, people remain confused and unhealthy. This article is meant to challenge you to reset your current way of thinking about recovery after physical performance. Instead of presenting new enlightening recovery products and focusing on

Taking a Number of Prescriptions? Listen to This Doctor’s Advice!

Dr. Judith Boice discusses the dangers of multiple prescriptions and the difficulty in predicting possible interactions. She also discusses how to think differently when you have symptoms. Her advice could help you reduce those meds! http:www.ihealthtube.com http://www.facebook.com/ihealthtube …read more

Real Chocolate Is Healthy, But…

More and more evidence is indicating that chocolate is healthy. But does that mean you should necessarily eat a lot more? Dr. Puya Yazdi says watch out for certain kinds that likely reduce the overall health benefits. http://www.ihealthtube.com http://www.facebook.com/ihealthtube …read more

5 Ways to Make your Family Camping Greener

Make your Family Camping Greener With staycations being more popular than ever and camping enjoying a huge resurgence of interest how many of you have actually considered the damage this innocuous pastime can do to the environment? It doesn’t have to be that way however and there are some easy to implement tips to ensure

Ebola: The Truth About Turmeric

Turmeric is wonderful for a lot of things, but NOT Ebola. Curcumin is the active ingredient in Turmeric. Curcumin is the chemical compound found in Turmeric that has all the great health benefits you read about. It is an antioxidant that fights free radicals. This is of HUGE importance and therefore you should take a

Understanding why you have allergies

Allergies can do just about anything to almost any part of the body. Common symptoms are runny nose, watery eyes, ear infections, sinusitis, tonsillitis, asthma, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, nausea, cramps, colitis, gas, constipation, menstrual disorders, hypoglycemia, emotional disturbances, skin rashes, hives, etc., etc., etc. When dealing with allergies, it is usually the result of a

Your gut, your health and mental health.

Insanely interesting health facts – and YOUR health. Nice to have things we have known – or believed – for many years now validated by science, no matter how late it may seem sometimes. Here’s a little food for thought, if you still think your illness is an opportunistic or completely random one – 1.

Some of the Top Stressors at Work

Work eats up most of our weekdays, at the minimum, 8 productive hours each day or at least 1/3rd of our daily schedule, while for some it can be longer hours depending on the nature of the job, one’s work demands, volume of deliverables, commute, and so forth. Given that, we will list some of

Scientific Proof That Fasting Works

Don’t you just love it when science ‘discovers’ something natural medicine has known and been practicing for thousands of years – and then takes credit for that ‘discovery’? It totally drives me crazy! But that is the nature of the scientific world – it is very rare that they ever give a nod to the