5 Things Everyone Should Know About Introverts

by Rebecca McKown – MindBodyGreen I’m an introvert to the core, and there’s a good chance that either you or someone you know is, as well. As a child I was called shy, a common misconception about introverts. I remember many times when I would run upstairs and hide when people came to our door.

Yoga for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Can yoga ease carpal tunnel syndrome? Find out whether it can help one of the most common types of chronic pain conditions. …read more

What to Know Before Trying a Raw Food Diet

A raw food diet is based on uncooked food, mainly plant food. What are the benefits and diet guidelines? What are possible concerns about the raw food diet? Page 2. …read more

What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?

What is neuro-linguistic programming? Learn all about this mind-body practice said to help you kick unhealthy habits and achieve your top goals. …read more


What is caraway? What are the benefits of caraway seeds? Get the lowdown on this natural food, said to help with belly bloating. …read more

Can Turmeric Help Relieve Joint Pain?

Find out whether the spice turmeric may help to ease the pain of rheumatoid or osteoarthritis. …read more

Managing stress in an overstimulating environment

by Traci Knight Effectively managing stress is invaluable in today’s world. When we encounter stressful situations the sympathetic nervous system triggers a fight or flight reflex. There are many times when giving in to this stress response can impede performance. We cannot realistically take up arms or run away during work, a traffic jam, or

Depression Plagues Long-Term Job Hunters

By Christina Snider – Staff Writer At one point in time or another, everyone feels down in the dumps. You can hear it in their monotone voice. Their facial expressions are flat and lifeless. They don’t want to leave their homes. Interacting with their loved ones is a thing of the past. Unfortunately, depression plagues

Can Diet Reverse Gray Hair?

by Elizabeth Seward – Staff Writer When you start seeing gray hairs come in, whether you’re in your twenties or fifties when it happens, it might seem symbolic to you. Perhaps for you it symbolizes aging, the passing of time, wisdom accrued, or your own mortality. Gray hair, like wrinkles and other physical signs of

Natural Remedies for Your Irritable Bowel…

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common bowel disorder that can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, and gas. Learn about natural remedies for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), including herbs, diet, hypnotherapy, and more. …read more