Pineapple – This fruit has a crown for a reason

Pineapple is a tropical fruit many enjoy fresh, canned, or frozen either as a meal or snack or even in a beverage form. This yellow fruit is tasty and has many benefits for consuming it. Nutritionally speaking, pineapple is part of a healthy diet but of course not to be eaten in excess. It’s always

Let’s Deal with Stress

Hi, I’m Dr. Branyon with New Hope Unlimited. Today, I decided to take a day off from going into the clinic and stay in at home and doing some paperwork and doing a few things for the clinic. Well, I got started and about nine o’clock here comes the tree trimmers into our neighborhood, they

Exciting New Protocol!

I’ve got some great news to tell you about. Hi, I’m Dr. Branyon with New Hope Unlimited. In today’s video, I’m going to change direction a little bit from what I normally talk about because I am so excited about a new protocol we have. I’m hoping that it’s going to help many people. Well,

Red Berries and Instinct

On my walk this morning, I spotted these beautiful little red berries. And it reminded me of what I learned in medical school during botanical medicine classes. Did you know that a lot of the red berries are very poisonous? So, let’s say there’s a young deer in the forest, and he’s becoming very hungry.

Personality Sickness

There’s recent discoveries being made with the help of functional brain imaging, showing that if we dwell in certain mental states for long periods of time, those mental states will shape our health. There’s four different types of personalities: type A, B, C, and D. Type A people are high achievers, competitive, impatient, ambitious, and

Hypoglycemia is fixable.

If symptoms of hypoglycemia increase discomfort, patients generally take teaspoonful of sugar. However downward fluctuating blood glucose levels does not require eating more sugar. On the contrary, all dietary recommendations and home remedies for controlling hypoglycemia do not revolve around taking higher sugar intake but in trying to stabilize sugar levels, so that the body

Makeup – History & Today’s Natural Cosmetics

The makeup industry has changed and evolved with so many different trends and cultures over time. Women’s makeup has been used for centuries for different reasons and has been both embraced and discouraged depending on where you go. Some examples of the history of makeup (in no particular order) include the following: 1.      Middle Ages: used

Do vaccines really work or do they sicken you?

We were taught in high school that vaccines have saved millions of lives in America and Europe. One of the greatest heroes of modern medicine is Louis Pasteur, the creator of the “germ theory,” the ideological foundation for vaccines. But the real history of vaccines, and the real story of Louis Pasteur, is something quite

Holistic Health – Using non-traditional approaches for the human body

The term “holistic” has increasingly gained attention in the health field. This is an approach to living that encompasses many dimensions of wellness. In doing so, the whole person is considered, so treatments and healing approaches take into account each individual’s mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and intellectual being. People who take a holistic approach

Cinnamon For Anti-aging & Longevity

Hi, I’m Dr. Branyon with New Hope Unlimited. If I mentioned the word cinnamon, most people have a memory of something they’ve smelled in the past. It could be at grandmother’s house. You know, when you were a little kid, you run in, and you quickly smell something that she’s cooking in the kitchen, smells