The Cure for all Diseases Except Death

Many claims are made nowadays for any number of foods from lemons and watermelons to chia seeds which are claimed to have life-giving properties. However, over 1000 years ago the prophet Muhammed said that the black seeds of the nigella family were ‘The cure for all diseases except death’. These seeds go under a variety of names: Ajenuz, Aranuel, Baraka, Black Cumin, Black Caraway, Charnuska, Cheveux de Vénus, Cominho Negro, Comino Negro, Cumin Noir, Fennel Flower, Fitch, Graine de Nigelle, Graine Noire, Kalajaji, Kalajira, Kalonji, La Grainer Noire, Love in a Mist, Mugrela, Nielle, Nigella sativa, Nigelle de Crête, Nigelle …read more