The Wildlife Services main job is to kill wildlife; Possibly even the 200 bird die off in Draper Utah

The Wildlife Services main job is to kill the wildlife! Possibly including the Starling die off in Draper Utah. On Monday, January 29th 2018.

The Wildlife Services needs to be exposed!

Using Avian Toxin DRC-1339, also known as Starlicide! The Wildlife Services admits to killing untold numbers of various wildlife! The toxicant DRC-1339 (C7H9NCL2) also called starlicide, among many other names, is a deadly avian toxin. It causes the largest numbers of deaths by Wildlife Services every year. In 2007, for example, WS killed over 2 million birds—mostly starlings—with DRC-1339.

DRC-1339 is a slow-acting and highly toxic but death takes from …read more