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DIY Stocking Stuffers

Can you believe there are only 9 weekends left before Christmas? I know, I have said this to all my friends but seriously, where has this year gone? If I were to guess at what month I thought it was, I’d say about May. If you’re feeling this way too, Christmas might just be sneaking

The “Yogurt Junk Food Scam” and Why You Should Care

I’ve been prepping for my upcoming training from the Institute of Functional Medicine’s Gastrointestinal Health Advanced Practice Module. Not surprisingly, I’ve been digging deeper into the science of our digestive track and those belly bugs that I’m obsessing over. Recently, I’ve come across some interesting studies that link the physiological stresses of changes in sleep

The 6 best reasons to drink pomegranate juice

Pomegranates are not only useful when you want to jazz up a green salad but the red seedy fruit is mostly revered for its medicinal properties. Historically pomegranates were an important food source in the Middle East, famed for its benefits to both health and skin. The best part is that the juice is just

Five Toxic Products You Might be Using in the Yard (and How to Switch to Organic)

As a gardener, it can be conflicting when you try to protect your yard from bugs and other elements without jeopardizing the health of your other plants by using toxic agents. If you let every organism roam free, your plants and vegetables could be devoured. On the other hand, if you use chemical-ridden killing agents,

Report: The Most Common Funder in New GMO Safety Database Is (Drumroll Please)…Monsanto

In an effort to shift the attention away from the concerns of millions on the lack of independent safety data surrounding genetically modified organisms, industry groups have begun touting a database of GMO studies titled GENERA. But according to a new article posted on the website of the advocacy group Food & Water Watch, the

Georgia Man the Target of Armed Raid After Chopper Spots Common Plant Growing in His Yard

What began as a drug enforcement raid turned out to be a colossal mistake in Bartow County, Georgia after members of a drug suppression task force went after a man who was simply growing a food crop that is especially common among gardeners in the south. Dwayne Perry of Cartersville, Georgia recently noticed a police

5 Fragrant Herbs that Repel Flies

The warm weather brings with it time in the garden, bloom flowers, eating outdoors on the patio – and, unfortunately, flies. Depending on where you live, these flying pests can seriously ruin your enjoyment of the great outdoors once things heat up and it may be tempting to whip out chemical deterrents to keep them

7 Ways to Reduce Your Medical Bills

Everyone knows that the cost of medical care is rising much faster than income levels and that even with insurance, medical bills can be extremely high. However, there are some tricks of the trade that you can learn that will help keep the bills to an affordable level. Seven of these are discussed below. Inquire

Cheap and Easy Ways to Make Your Own Natural Pesticides

Looking to save money and produce safer vegetables and fruits for your family? Making your own natural pesticides is both cheap and easy, and these types of pesticides can be just as effective as the ones you purchase at the store. Organic Making your own pesticides are a great idea, especially for those who prefer

5 Simple Homemade Conditioners for Damaged Hair

Between sunshine, wind, hairdryers, perms and exposure to air pollution, life can be pretty tough for your hair. Instead of those silky, lustrous locks you are dreaming of, you can wind up with hair that is brittle, frizzy or damaged with broken ends. Fortunately, there are things you can do to fight back, such as