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Get Better Sleep With 14 Natural Remedies

Get the lowdown on 14 natural sleep aids and insomnia remedies, including herbs, vitamins, meditation, hypnosis, foods, exercises, light therapy, and more. …read more

Rosemary Boosts Brain Power

Maylin Rodriguez-Paez RN It’s no coincidence that the smell of coffee wakes you up in the morning or that the scent of lavender relaxes you. And it’s no secret that scents can have a powerful effect on the body, and rosemary is no exception. According to the results of a study, the scent of rosemary

Amazing New Insight Into Bone/Joint Health. The Last 1:30 Will Blow Your Mind!

Prescription arthritis medications are one of the top sellers in this country annually. Dr. Peter Glidden explains how those medications work and why they may be harmful to your health. The last 90 seconds of the interview gives an unbelievably great wrap on the use of these medications and what is wrong with them!!

Can You Outgrow Allergies?

Dr. Benoit Tano discusses allergies in kids versus adults. He answers whether or not you actually outgrow allergies as you age and how that may happen in the body. …read more

Pay It Forward

I know we are supposed to wake up each day and choose to be happy. I know it can be a conscious decision; we are the ones in charge of our mood and how we decide to feel each day, we have the power. But sometimes you wake up feeling less than great. And making

Ten Unhealthy Breakfast Options

A healthy breakfast can set the tone for nutritious choices all day long. Consider these not-so-healthy breakfast foods sabotage. Low- or no-fiber cereals Cereal that is high in carbohydrates and sugar and low in fiber will causeq your blood sugar to spike, then quickly drop—which can lead to mid-morning cravings and moodiness. Nutritionist Mitzi Dulan,

Can Water Improve Your Mood?

Maylin Rodriguez-Paez RN Cranky? You may actually be just thirsty. According to a new study, being slightly dehydrated can increase your risk for being in a poor mood. Since summer is here, we thought we’d highlight the importance of staying well hydrated. And what better way than by bringing this study to your attention. Who

The Real Reason Gluten Is More of a Health Concern Today

Dr. Peter Glidden explains why gluten is a growing health concern today when we knew little if anything about it just a couple generations ago. Also find out what role large food companies play. …read more

45% of Americans Are Mentally Ill According to These Physicians!

Are 45% of Americans really mentally ill? Some doctors seems to think that’s the case. Dr. Gary Kohls discusses that issue as well as the roots of psychiatric problems. Many of the problems, he says, starts because of various kinds of trauma in childhood. …read more

Stop ADD and ADHD in 18 Days By Eliminating This!

Dr. Bob DeMaria discusses the role of a certain fat in so many foods and how it relates to ADD And ADHD. His book illustrates how those conditions can be stopped in 18 days. Find out how that can be and how the conditions can be tied to what you eat! …read more