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Will AI Breast Cancer Screening Replace Human Radiologists?

Should you get a second opinion from Artificial Intelligence (AI)? With the rampant advancement of AI technology and robotics, even healthcare professionals are concerned about the possibility of losing their jobs. It all started at Bács-Kiskun County Hospital in Budapest, Central Hungary. Dr. Éva Ambrózay, a radiologist with over 20 years of experience, was reviewing

What to eat and avoid.

Throughout years of writing articles and for 40 plus years on the radio, a vegan diet has always been stressed, focusing on organically grown foods for optimum health. Back in the “dark ages” of health in the early 1980’s, there was little information linking adverse health conditions to diet. Now, despite the nonsense of the

Vegan processed foods – Misleading ideas of being healthy

Eating primarily plant-based with little to no dairy or meat products, is a diet suitable to those who follow vegan nutrition protocol. Cutting out animal products does have its share of health benefits. These include practically eliminating saturated fat from your diet and having plenty of foods that are filled with fiber such as fruits

Sometimes the truth can be a real nightmare!

Right now you are probably saying that you don’t eat muscles. Well, muscle is a euphemism for flesh, or for anything that had a face or a mother. When you eat meat or flesh, you are eating the dead carcasses of dead cattle, dead pigs and hogs, dead sheep, dead lambs, dead chickens, dead turkeys,

Heartburn – An unhappy esophagus

Heartburn is a discomforting burning in the chest area. This feeling might occur every now and then for some people, while others might have reoccurring symptoms. Heart burn likes to present itself after eating, in the evening, and when lying down or bending over. Sometimes in addition to the chest pain, a bitter or acidic

Coping Pointers for Living With and Beyond Fibrosarcoma

As the sun rises each morning, painting the sky with scenic hues of hope and possibility, there exists a silent battle fought by individuals diagnosed with fibrosarcoma. Their struggles may not seem obvious to casual observers, but living with and beyond sarcoma carves deep impressions on the hearts and minds of patients and their loved

Can Avocados Cause Breast Cancer?

In the 2010s, photos of Pinterest-worthy and Instagrammable avocado toasts propelled the fruit into mainstream culture. By 2018, more than 2.4 million social media posts were avocado-related, making the superfood one of the most featured fruits online. Also known as “alligator pear,” avocados are synonymous with good nutrition. Consumers cite “healthy fats” and overall “wellness”

The Iron-Cancer Connection: Risk, Prevention, and Outlook

Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH), also called iron overload disorder, is a common condition in which the body stores too much iron. It is one of the most common genetic disorders in the United States, with a prevalence of 1 in 300 to 500 people. HH develops from mutations in the HFE gene, which regulates iron absorption

Eating Clean

More and more people are seeking out clean food to eat, because eating clean is the only way to achieve any real health in this polluted world. You can walk through any supermarket now and see the shelves filled with some of the most contaminated, over-processed and overpriced ‘food’ our polluted world has ever seen.

5 Alternative Therapies for Chemo-Related Arthritis and Arthralgia

Research from the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management demonstrates that chemotherapy can cause mild to severe joint pain and inflammation, collectively known as chemo-induced arthritis and arthralgia. These conditions can impact a cancer patient’s quality of life by causing discomfort, limiting mobility, making it difficult to cope with ongoing treatments, and slowly impairing overall