Articles Archive

Cancer Doctor’s Candid Thoughts About Natural/Conventional Treatments

Dr. Rodrigo Rodriguez discusses the events that led him to open the International Bio Care Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico. Dr. Rodriguez discusses how he learned about alternative therapies that ultimately started him down a new course of treatments. …read more

A Shocking Life-Changing Event Made Her End Her Career As A Drug Sales Rep!

Gwen Olsen discusses her background as a pharmaceutical sales representative. She talks about the dark side of the business that she uncovered and what happened that ultimately led her to get out and speak against the industry. …read more

Spice Up Your Plate for Health-Recent Highlights on Food as Medicine!

14.00 The top holistic, wellness, nutrition, nutrigenomics, and integrative medicine health news for July is posted on my homepage. Some of the highlights include: Quinoa- is it okay for celiacs? Why watermelon has health uses beyond its childhood game of spitting seeds Can coffee be used for boosting athletic performance? Junk food nation ramifications Vitamin

Super Health Benefits of Chlorella

Getting chlorella into your diet is simple and painless. It is, of course, most effective when you eliminate processed foods, sugar and simple carbs. Taking it and still continuing with those beasts is like filling a bucket with water with a hole in it. You never quite fill the bucket. Read on about why I

Strawberry Mint Aloe Water Refresher

I hear very often how people are bored with water or downright don’t like the taste of water. If you are trying to cut back on soft drinks and aren’t sure what to substitute with, here is a great tasting very light drink that will surely hit the spot at the pool. Toss the bottled

Exciting Advances Turn Human Wastewater into Beautiful Gardens

by Traci Knight Wastewater, or human sewage, has become a blight on humanity. Sewage treatment plants are bacterial hotspots, breeding grounds for antibiotic resistant bacteria. These treatment plants are continually spewing contamination into the water supply, and defouling freshwater and ocean water. The fact that we are using drinking water to flush away our excrement

A Hidden Connection Between School Shootings and Prescription Drugs

Is there a connection between the two? Dr. Peter Glidden gives his opinion on a number of issues related to the problem. Why are the drugs prescribed with the kinds of side effects listed? You might be surprised how effective placebos are in similar situations. …read more

How Food Allergies Differ from Other Allergies

Dr. Benoit Tano discusses some of the similarities and differences between food allergies and other allergies, like seasonal allergies. Find out why reactions to food allergies can often be more dramatic and dangerous than a pollen or dust allergy. …read more

Nearly 300,000 suicides in India so far from GMO crop failures

by Ethan Huff – Natural News The Western media is steeped in denial about the true damage being caused by genetically modified (GM) crops, especially in the developing Third World. But despite the lies you may have heard from mainstream news sources, nearly 300,000 Indian farmers have committed suicide since 1995 as a direct result

The Pesticides That Are Killing Bees Are Also Killing Birds

by Elizabeth Seward – Staff Writer Pesticides are meant to be toxic to insects, but their potency has the potential to wreak large-scale havoc on our ecosystems. One of the most talked about ill effects of pesticide use over the last decade has been the quickly diminishing bee populations. Pesticides are believed to be a