Are Floating Stools a Symptom of a Bigger…

Soft, foul-smelling stools that float, stick to the side of the bowl, or are difficult to flush away may mean there is increased fat in the stools, called steatorrhea. …read more

The Government is Doing WHAT to Get You to Get a Flu Shot?

Dr. Peter Glidden discusses the flu shot and the populations it’s intended for. He also discusses the side effects that you never hear about as well as how the government may play a role in trying to get you to get your flu shot. You may think differently about getting the shot after watching this!

You Have No Idea What These Foods Are Doing To You!

Genetically modified foods are a still relatively new when it comes to science. There aren’t too many generations that have been consuming them. The long term effects of eating GMOs are not fully known yet. Dr. Bob DeMaria discusses the risks and dangers of eating those foods. …read more

Wild Lettuce

What is wild lettuce? What are the benefits of using it? Find out more about this dietary supplement, said to have properties that may fight pain and stress. …read more

Make An Energizing Essential Oil Blend

Make an energizing essential oil blend. This aromatherapy blend can be added to massage oil or to an aromatherapy diffuser to scent a room. …read more

Can Therapeutic Touch Ease Pain?

An alternative healing technique said to stimulate the body’s flow of vital energy, therapeutic touch shows promise in the treatment of pain-causing health problems. …read more

Supplements Reduce ALS Risk

Michael A. Smith, MD One of the most feared diagnoses is Lou Gehrig’s disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). It’s a devastating nerve disease with an insidious onset characterized with muscle weakness or stiffness. The disease progresses rapidly, eventually causing muscle wasting and paralysis of the limbs and trunk as well as those muscles that

Gluten-Free Food May Not Be as Healthy as You Think

Source: Oftentimes, food labels on the shelves of our favorite convenience stores and supermarkets can influence our perception of how we look at and select products. Terms like “natural,” “wholegrain,” “antioxidant,” and “gluten-free” have led customers into thinking they are choosing healthier food because they have an implied health benefit. While it is great

You’ll Be Glad You Watched This Before Vaccinating Your Child!

The number of vaccines in kids’ recommended vaccine schedules continues to grow. Is this a good thing? Dr. Peter Glidden discusses this topic and addresses one of the main concerns between the research and MD’s. …read more

4 Tips to Detoxify The Most Important Room in Your Home

Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman discusses some of the main toxins that affect people in their homes. Find out what one of the biggest culprits is. Dr. Gittleman also discusses several tips to help detoxify your home and make it safer for you and your family. …read more