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17 Reason to use daily Cayenne Pepper

Many societies, especially those of the Americas and China, have a history of using cayenne pepper therapeutically. A powerful compound with many uses, cayenne pepper is currently gaining buzz for cleansing and detoxifying regimes such as the Master Cleanse, which uses the spice to stimulate circulation and neutralize acidity. Cayenne pepper has been used for

Your First Yoga Class: Advice from a Yoga Teacher

Yoga classes are not supposed to be intimidating. In fact, yoga is an entirely non-judgmental, non-competitive, and peace-promoting endeavor. But like anything new and unfamiliar, the intimidation factor that yoga studios can carry is enough to scare away many newbies. The yoga-curious often harbor some common fears: not knowing what to do in class, being

Surprising Benefits of Mangosteen for Skin and Health

The mangosteen fruit comes from the Garcinia mangostana, a tropical evergreen tree which is native to Indonesia but also cultivated in other parts of south-east Asia like Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. While highly revered in the East, it is only fairly recently that the West has become more aware of this lovely fruit with

10 Facts about Microwaves that Should Terminate Their Use

Microwaves have been in use since the 1970’s and by now have become an integral part of the household, so much so that people do not really even give them that much thought. The microwaveable TV dinner is a staple around the country and often used by busy moms, students, or people living on their

Find Best Multivitamin: Some Tips for Vitamins

We believe that multivitamin product may help us make up the shortage of our diet. Although we didn’t find any solid evidence can prove this until now. According to a study from U.S. Preventive Service Task Force, there is inadequate evidence regarding a benefit or risk of harm with multivitamins in healthy adults without nutritional

How to Create an Eco-Friendly Garden

Non-green gardening practices can be very harmful to the environment. Making poor choices can consume around 80% of household water, upset the pH balance in soil, and destroy wildlife habitats. That said, with the right knowledge and equipment it’s possible to not only reduce your carbon footprint, but help the environment prosper. Grow Your Own

6 Super Foods for Strong Healthy Gums and Teeth

Your teeth and gums are essential for chewing the food you need to eat for nourishing your body. Keeping them healthy through general oral care such as brushing, flossing, and rinsing with oral mouthwash and using holistic methods such as oil pulling is not enough. Making sure you have a well-balanced diet with super foods

12 Natural Ways to Purify Your Body At Home

In today’s world we are constantly bombarded with air pollution, environmental problems such as oil spills and fracking, chemical spills, nuclear dangers and even every day chemicals in our shampoos, cleaners, toothpastes and the like. With concerns over BPAs and GMOs, everyone is worried about our body’s ability to store these chemicals. It is possible

Top 10 Metabolism-Boosting Foods

Losing weight is not just a matter of watching calories and getting regular exercise: it is also a matter of learning how to boost your metabolism to make your body more efficient at burning fat. Fortunately, there are a variety of foods that you can include in your diet that can make this happen safely

Three Strong Italian Fabrics For High-End Business Wear

Sometimes business is all about impressions, and that means dressing well for the right occasion. The savvy businessmen who want to create their own look, often turn to custom tailors and fabrics. It’s just one of the dirty little secrets that many of the world’s top business executives employ to create a strong impression. So